Thursday, November 5, 2009

got a playstation3 what do you think of it even though the good games start releasing in the spring?


Virtual Fighter 5, Motorstorm, Lair, and Heavenly Sword. Heavenly Sword is like God of War but with a girl. Also on the PS store in March "Calling All Cars" will be released for 10 bucks. Its from the makers of God of War. I am very impressed with the graphics. But not the game selection. Ask this in 2 months and I will probably tell you it%26#39;s the best $600 I%26#39;ve spent. It will be a great system once the good games start coming out. Sony made a huge mistake by releasing it too early, or Sony didn%26#39;t plan ahead to deal with the months following the launch. I know most launch games are pretty crappy, but more than 2 months after the launch and there%26#39;s still no good exclusive games. That%26#39;s just unforgivable.

On the bright side, I get to watch high def Blu-ray movies. potentially, the ps3 can be the greatest thing ever created. only time will tell

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