Thursday, November 5, 2009

halo 3 why not on xbox?

i was curious i have a 360 but are they just not making it for regular xbox

and why i would think that they would make more money but then again there pretty much forcing you to buy one if you wanna play

anyone know


I think you got it right. If they only offer a popular game on one platform, they force people who want to play that game to buy that extra console. It%26#39;s pretty sneaky and manipulative, especially considering that they%26#39;re selling millions of those game machines anyway. How greedy do they really need to be?? I ask the same question about resident evil 5. I would have to buy a ps3 for that also and end up purchasing the ps3 system with it!Why can%26#39;t they make a resident evil 5 for the ps2? ugggggg it%26#39;s all about new generation systems=money$$$

They are making these games with much better graphics and better controle , that our systems can not handle.

Keep on gaming :) cuz the regular xbox is old and dum the xbox 360 is the best

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