Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halo 3 or World of Warcraft on the xbox 360????


Halo 3 of course! Halo 3... If you go PC, go WoW... halo 333333 um....Halo 3 :)..i%26#39;m a girl and i even know the answer to that...geese haha Halo 3. WOW just wouldnt be right for 360, it is meant for PC. Do you want to be a SuperMan in game?

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^_^ I would like to see WoW on the 360 more then Halo 3. WoW has more to offer then Halo 3 does. Despite what all the fanboys think, Halo doesnt do anything that doom didnt do 10 years ago. WoW would easily work on the Xbox 360 and to say that a game is just for the PC in this day and age is a very uneducated response. All microsoft would have to do is a live update that installs basic mouse drivers and we would go out and buy the mouse or better yet the CD with the drivers could come with the mouse. The 360 has usb ports so it would be fine. The question itself is pointless tho. We know we are getting Halo 3 and at the moment there are no plans for WoW to move to Xbox 360. Blizzard had a small meeting with a few microsoft reps and blizzard simply said that at this point in time they just want to focus on the PC version.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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