Thursday, November 5, 2009

GTA Liberty City Stories?

Is liberty city the stories the same as liberty city because some of the missions im doing i can remember doing on the original?


No, its slightly different but they used the same maps. There was always going to be similarities as there is only so much you can do with the PSP.

For instance, it is tradition with the GTA series to have ambulance, firetruck, taxi missions etc. But there are a few differences such as the car and bike sales, look for a side mission called "Wong side of Track" where you race your sanchez on the railway track on Portland Island, you activate by getting on the bike at the railway station at Marc%26#39;s Bistro. I also enjoyed the Avenging Angel missions. Not sure about liberty city but im playing GTA san andreas on xbox and my mate is playing same one on his ps2,we often talk about missions at work and sometimes he mentions missions i know i aint done but i am further than him? Its basically the same game as gta 3 with a few changes.... in this one you can get a few different cars and motorcycles and some of the missions are changed.... Its similliar, ie same setting etc but different story

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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