Thursday, November 5, 2009

GTA VICE CITY(PSP) question?

how do u fk a hoe

i know how to pick one up but i lose money even tho nuthin happens??just wunderin if its even possible

just curious since they went to court because of the sex scene in san andreas


You have to drive them to a deserted spot. IE no pedestrians. Stop the car and the car will start shaking with enjoyment. Your health also goes up Pick up the hoe and drive to a place where there is no one around and u cant be seen and is surrounded by a building or something, its hard to find a place and stop the car and well u know what comes next. (your health will go up)

The only prob is that u dont really see them doing anything the car just goes up and down. + please make me as the best answer

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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