Thursday, November 5, 2009

GTA vice city?

on GTA vice city you can buy an assset where u race and stuff and i was wondering what are u supposed to do in order to earn money for that asset please im getting tired or racing over and over ?


Racing won%26#39;t turn Sunshine Autos into an asset. You have to go down to the garage underneath, and find all the cars that are written on the list. It%26#39;s not easy. There%26#39;s 2 more lists after the first one. Some cars are easier to get than others.

If you can%26#39;t find a car, just get on Google and put in %26#39;vehicle locations vice city%26#39; ...or type in the specific vehicle, like %26#39;Patriot locations vice city%26#39;... you should get a lot of helpful results. I did it because I had to complete it to get 100%, but if you just want to beat the game, you can get easier assets by doing The Boatyard, The Pole Position, and Cherry Poppers. (I wrote them in order from easiest to hardest) They%26#39;re all easier than Sunshine Autos !! you can use cheat if you are real tired of racing you have to finish races to start earnin money, i dont recall how many or anythin, but thats how you start to earn money from it

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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