Thursday, November 5, 2009

halo 3 question?

are they only making it for xbox 360? if they are, that is absurd!


Yes they are. Yeah, its only gonna be for 360 (maybe PC later like Halo)

I say, boycott bungie (makers of halo) - they suck, we all waited forever for Halo 2 which was delayed over and over, and after all that they put out a half completed game. it was way too short for the long wait. Yes, why would they make it for other systems? Microsoft owns Bungie. The Wii isn%26#39;t powerful enough to handle the game and the PS3 is Xbox%26#39;s biggest competition. It wouldn%26#39;t make sense to make it for other systems.

Boycotting would serve no purpose other then to make sure you don%26#39;t get an awesome game. More people are playing Halo2 then any other game. There is a reason for that...

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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