Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halo 3- what system?

i have read on wikipedia and that halo 3 will be only for the x-box360. Don%26#39;t you think they would loose some major money on that? I don%26#39;t have one and i%26#39;m not going to spend $400 on a new game system.


well, youre smart. but the logic for microsoft is that by making halo3 only for 360, they are forcing anyone without a 360 to buy one. Lets say that they make it for xbox and 360. well, youre only making $50 a game. but if your forcing someone to buy a game system to play it, your making $450! you get the logic behind it? and microsoft knows it%26#39;ll work, because when halo got popular, people bought xboxs just to play it.

hope this answers your question, and the 360 is really worth it. (there will probably be a 360 sale right before halo 3 comes out) that is what they want, they want you to buy a Xbox 360 till you finally snap and buy one just the 360 the 1st xbox is dead get with the times and buy a next gen system jerk sorry, its only going to released on the 360 Bungie is owned by Microsoft, so, there isn%26#39;t even an option for Halo 3 showing up on any other system, ever (except for PCs). Unless, MS gets out of the video game racket and does what Sega did, and port it across multiple platforms. Xbox 360 To be consumer weary, it would be best to realease the dual platform, for xbox 1 and 360, but, if you think about it, the first xbox is about, 6 years old now, and microsoft is gonna have to vear off course somehow. I think that Halo 3 will be the new tide of transition for them. ONLY XBOX 360!

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