Thursday, October 22, 2009

has any got a 360 that freezes and found that the fan add on helped?


Don%26#39;t place it next to any other appliance that heats up and put it on a hard surface with plenty of space either side for ventilation !. Make sure you don%26#39;t have it set down on carpet... it will overheat Yes my xbox 360 was freezing continously and i decided to get an intercooler. It actually broke the system and i had to send it into microsoft and they gave me a brand new one for free. If your having any problems anymore with yours just contact microsoft All XBOX 360s has a year long warranty...So just call customer support and send it to them...And they will repair it or send you a new one...And the fan really does not help...It is not needed...It gives less power to you 360 so its bad for the 360... i used a fan add on and it melted my power pack i can still smell burnt plastic to this day

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