Thursday, October 22, 2009

has anybody else got 'Deal or No Deal' the interactive DVD game?

I bought it for my dad for christmas, but it seems a bit glitchy, sorta freezes and restarts . i know its really slow loading but does anyone elses do this ? is it just how they are or have i got a dud one ?


It%26#39;s usually caused by the "branching" technology that is used when the player tries to work out where it should take the watcher next. It is common on most interactive DVD games, and at best means that the ends of sentences get cut off, or at worst, the whole thing freezes up and has to be ejected and restarted.

There is no magical cure unfortunately. I have access to four different DVD players (standalone and portable) plus my PC%26#39;s DVD drive, and my disc only works right on two of them, including my PC - on the others it freezes up, but always at a different point in the game!! Some people report that the cheaper lower-end DVD players work best with this disc rather than a high-end player, while others report problems on their PC drive as well. It%26#39;s clearly not right and there are some serious authoring issues with this title, even though C4 are denying it. If it won%26#39;t play right on your player then it will probably never play right, no matter how many times you return it for a new copy. If you can get your money back then I suggest you do so - either that or find a mate who has a DVD player that it will work on!! All the interactive games on DVD run slowly, i got my kids some for xmas but they do the same.Ive got deal or no deal on my phone and that plays fine the kids love it. nope but get it checked out or send it back. ask for refund or soemthing. you have the right as a customer and see trading standards laws and rules of customer service. I got it and so did a friend of mine and they both take FOREVER. After trying several DVD games I have given up on them, they repeat themselves far too quickly and are V expensive.

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