Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Help me to stream music to an xbox 360?

the problem is no PCs show up on the xbox 360.

my setup

d-link routor

xbox 360 (wired)

main pc with xp (wired) (firewall off)

laptop with xp (wireless) (firewall off)

when i select pc on the 360 music menu it cant find any computers and if i run the test connection it passes all the test till "pc selected - failed"

i have WMP11 (sharing allowed) on both PCs and the 360 shows up in the sharing settings with a green tick so the PCs can see the 360....live on the 360 works fine.....and all firewalls have been turned off


Media player 11 is needed so you%26#39;ll need a genuine copy of windows (it verifies it) and media connect...after that fully follow instruction wizard..and your done..got mine done in no time you need to get windows media connect and have an xbox live subscription, i had aloottttt of trouble with this, since it is so sensitive to firewall settings. i think i got lucky in getting mine to work. you need to open certain ports and what not i do a lot of local streaming video radio etc. and vlc is free and well worth trying.

read the reviews.

download .com do you downloaded the windows media connect? is needed!!!

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