Tuesday, October 20, 2009

HELP ME PLZ......I want to get the nintendo wii but...?

gamestop doesnt seem to have any and im so impacient and now the nitendo wii just doesnt seem to matter as much and now i want to but a psp should I? i say its a better deal cuz i can afford that a memory card and a game and a movie for it is it better help me plz...thank you for your time...i appreciate it!


Not sure where some people get their sources but Nintendo made plenty of Wiis, well over 4 million worldwide, They are playing a gam e with people, that game is they hold back shipments to make sure everyone gets the system. They know alot of people will change their mind and the demand for the system will finally die down. I%26#39;d say go for a psp, they are much more portable, and the games are really great. Be patient save money problem solved A Wii is gonna be hard to find, they only made several hundred thousand. A PSP isn%26#39;t as cool, you don%26#39;t control it the same, and its a handheld. Think about what you want the gaming system for. you can probably get a wii on ebay and if your into traveling you shoudl get the PSP instead Good luck finding one. I%26#39;ve been looking as well, and have found that there is such a shortage, that there won%26#39;t be any available til at least February or March. get the psp. that why you would stop worrying. and i hear the wii is not going to be available until March but i don%26#39;t know. unless you rather wait? so just go for the psp. Get a Nintendo DS. It%26#39;s cheaper, and better then the PSP. But I recommend you wait for the Wii, trust me, it%26#39;s so worth it.

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