Tuesday, October 20, 2009

help me help me?

well you see... i want to try and buy my friends into thinking im in some sort of secret organisation . i want to make projects where i have to write stuff up so my friends realy think something%26#39;s going on but what about can anyone help me with some ideas?please?


Send official looking letters and emails to yourself(address it as though it wasn%26#39;t from you), and to add more suspense, do the same things, but threaten yourself and your friends. I can refer you to a good psychologist if that helps ? walk around wearing a hat,trench coat and sunglasses, and they might think you are a spy........... or a plonka Leave strange letters from area 51 around the place!! that kinda thing. walk around with one of your trouser legs rolled up and sing a song about a goblin go to toilet when your phone rings and sorta whisper when speaking or just stop being silly lol You could just randomly start diving around the floor, shouting "cover, cover". Then grab some paper and a pen and ask for eveyones name who saw you do it. If your friends ask you what you%26#39;re doing say "It just *needs* to be done".


Just don%26#39;t do anything, chances are your friends already think you%26#39;re weird. You really, REALLY do need to get out more and get a REAL life get MI5 tattooed on your forehead instead of what ever else is written on your head, and then go back to school and learn to spell Shhhh!!! You%26#39;ll give us away just dont talk to them and 1 day say sorry ive been doing stuff well here%26#39;s a good one...stick your head down the loo and flush it then pretend you was in a submarine sad

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