Tuesday, October 20, 2009

help i am new to nintendogs and my friend played it and created a dog and now it won't let me cr


you can re-set the game if you want. Just turn on the game then press a,b,x,y, left trigger, right trigger all at the same time. This will re-set everything but.

You can create another dog by buying one then take the one your friend made and put it in the kennel (to get to kennel press %26#39;go out%26#39; then kennel). There are some options there that will help you get rid of the dog but cannot remember what there called sorry! You can leave the dog in the kennel so that when the friend plays it they can use that dog they created and leave yours alone!

I hope that made sense and good luck! Nintendogs only alows 1 file. If you want new dogs you have to buy them. you should earn more money by entering contests.

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