Thursday, October 22, 2009

Has the PS3 already failed?

I read more and more that the PS3 a) has already saturated its market, as evidenced by the fact that many stores have the system in stock now, b) is hard to develop for so, combined with its low installed base, developers are developing primarily for other platforms first, and c) that consumers aren%26#39;t going to go nuts for another physical disk format like blu-ray, when the future is more and more downloads, on-demand, HD storage of media files, etc.

Has Sony blown it with the PS3?


Sony came through with the promise of getting millions of machines in stores by early 2007, thats why stores have it in stock. like the 360, games are in development and when the big games come out and blow away everything else on the market, the boom will come again. i do own one, my best friend has a 360, even he admits how much better the ps3 is, it just a matter if time, just a matter of good games. trust me, the time will come personally i think it has all the hype has gone off it now. I know my brother still wants one and is giving me his ps2. but if i was buying a console i would probably go for the Xbox 360. I bought the 360 2 days it started to over heat I took it back and got the ps3 it looks better and u can play blue ray movies on it only thing I wish was that halo 3 was on ps3

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