Thursday, October 22, 2009

Has anyone tried using a steering wheel for playstation racing games? it seems impossible to control

one second you need a little steering so you apply a little but its not turning so before you know it its full lock so you go opposite lock to correct it then your in the crash seems like its either full lock or nothing.



I can relate to your troubles using the wheel, i found that the best way is to alter the settings for the wheel (calibrate the wheel from in the game) You normally have to practice for a while to get to grips with it and once you have done this its OK,

Hope you master it soon!

Steve it takes practise hunni, but once you%26#39;ve cracked it, its really good Depends what steering wheel you have. I had a g-force wheel which was excellent with Gran Turismo 3 and 4 a few years ago. set your view to in car view or the view where no car is visible on screen, this should make it easier to control if not i cant help you sorry

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