Tuesday, October 20, 2009

HELP ME.........when i try to turn on my psp only a little green lite flashes.....?

Whats wrong with it and it also has the buttons messed up how do i fix them they are the control panel buttons which are messed up like if i try to go somewhere it goes the totally different direction...and about it not turning on how can i fix it or how can i get a new one for free or cheap charge like on customer service...THANX!


Its a bad batch some of them where made too quickly and it screwed them up. Was the PSP new? Well that doesn%26#39;t mater if your insurance is still active. Just get the papers from the box or were ever you bought it from and then call the costumer service. If you open you can cancel your insurance. Because technically you messed it up and it should say not to open or try to repaire it on your own. So yes you can get a new one. And if you don%26#39;t have a costumer service number go one sonyusa.com. It maybe on but in the hold status. push power switch up to clear hold status, or slide button until system is completely turned off. charge it, disconnect charger then turn on.

Or pull out memory card and try turning on.

or replace the battery or let idie and give it a full charge,

Make sure you turn the system totally off, don%26#39;t touch buttons or move anything until it is fully on the, they might need to recalibrate themselves.

If you dropped it the Lcd might be broken.

Also psp 1st generation release had problems with dead pixels but that usually only affected small portions of the screen. If under warranty take it in. I would call sony and if they said they will fix it for free! get that done if not just get a brand new one from Ebay for like $100

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