Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Help in a gba game named super mario world 2?

I need help in the special world and the level is awesome i need a little guide if you have a web site that helps me then please post link or you can just help me by telling me as in a quick guide in your own words.

-Thank you-


just get a blue yoshi and 2 feathers. when u can fly and try to get a trampoline in his mouth so u can jump the big pipe. it didnt take me long to beat it. btw how man y dragon coins did u collect? go 2 gamefaq.com type in the game title in the search box then scan %26 click the game system then go do 2 where it says best matches and hit the faq there are 8 walkthroughs 2 choose from

good luck :)

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