Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Help needed on the PS3?

If you have a PS3 does this ever happen

You are playing a game and then it just go standby and the power indicator starts to blink red and it hapens again and again

Can someone explain what happen and how can I fix it


That sounds like a faulty unit if ever i heard of one. Even if you were accidentally holding down your PS button, it would still ask you to confirm your options. Unless you%26#39;ve got a ghost or extremely focused air pressure focused on your power button, I%26#39;d say you are very unlucky. This is the first actual case of PS3 hardware failure I%26#39;ve heard of to date.

One possibility--you may be having interrupted power. Check your power source, and try plugging into another outlet. If that fails, replace your power supply cord with another standard cable (PC PS for example), and try again. It seems very fishy that it would power on and play at all. It is possible that the air flow is being impeded... causing your hardware to overheat. Make sure your PS3 is given proper air flow (set up a fan?) and make sure you can hear your fan running at all times! I know mine does!

Sony states that you should NOT take it back to the place of purchase. You must take up the warranty with them--Best of luck!! not a clue my friend lol! it doesnt come out here til mid march grrr lol

but im assuming that it shouldnt do that if new That doesn%26#39;t happen to my PS3, if you bought the warranty, I recommend using it.

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