Tuesday, October 20, 2009

HELP ME CHOOSE.......Should i buy a wii or an xbox 360 ?


depends what you want it for, if your a hardcore gamer and want a top of the range console with life like graphics go for the xbox, if you want something that is more fun to play than you can possibly imagine go for the wii, a friend of mine just got one, they are fantastic fun, especially on multiplayer and its actually quite a good work out trying to play the thing wii it%26#39;s way more fun to play!!!! You have a lot more options with the Wii! wii is more fun The Wii the wii gives you good exercise, or not... and it is very entertaining i have one Im a die hard Nintendo fan, but I think I would feel silly playing the Wii. Get the X Box. x box 360 trust me. they%26#39;re both pretty cool, but i think a wii is a lot cooler because you can just do so much and get really into the game! haha, also the wii is a little less expensive i think? IS THAT EVEN A QUESTION!!! I have both but i personally like the wii better!!! GET THE Wii xbox 360 dude its more expensive but the grafics for wii suck *** and the games r bad the wii!! i had this dilema too.

the wii is so much more interactive--its totally outside the box of all other video games. its the first hands on type video game

i bought it and love it -it comes with a starter kit! an intro to all the games

it also has a game that allows you to operate on someone, a golf game, a fishing game and a zelda game that lets u use the remote and nun chuck as a sword and shield!!

the xbox is cool--but it just has cool graphics. you%26#39;ll get over that after lik 5 minutes.

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