Tuesday, October 20, 2009

help help.?

how much dose a wii cost, cuz i want it for christmas.


Send me the money and we%26#39;ll call it even! 250 retail. your on the internet look it up. $150 about 800 bux dumb question. why do you look somewhere that sells one to find out. j two hundred and fifty dollars. good luck finding it my friend. merry christmas. its 250 retail but they r probably sold out...min would be 400 on ebay or something

if u live in iowa(or is willing to drive to iowa) i can hook you up with one for 350 just add me on myspace.com/pcx226 $678.88 for the whole system on Amazon.com


$400 at a place called "RS-Sale Shop" which I found on Yahoo! Shopping

Thos prices are both without shipping.

The answers post by the user, for information only, CeQnA.com does not guarantee the right.

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