Thursday, October 22, 2009

Have you ever bought something and then switched the product for return?

Esp for online retailers. For ex. You bought a 250 dollar video card from and then you switched it with a 20 dollar video card and returned it. Has anyone ever done this? You think you will be able to get away?


Here%26#39;s something else to think about:

If you are caught, (and I think that%26#39;s likely), you would be charged with a more serious crime than simple shoplifting. You would be in the federal category of Internet fraud, and possibly postal fraud.

Stealing is wrong, no matter how you attempt it. Hehe, I%26#39;d never thought of that.

Thanks for the idea! no That is dishonest. By doing things like that, you drive up the prices for the next person who comes along. Shame on you for even suggesting it. yes i have thought of it but it is called scamming and it is a felony no

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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