Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Help me out with my Decision...?

Ok, I am a college student and I am getting done with my finals. I was thinking about getting myself that PS2 game console... but then I was thinking that it is a useless piece of equipment for me, since I am on a tight budget. But, I want it just for occasional play of games... I know I will probably get tired of it and play it rarely and I don%26#39;t feel like buying 40 games that I will have small time to play with. But, yet it could be entertaining during those boring days when I don%26#39;t have anything else to do.

So, after all of this explanation do you think there is quite enough reason for me to get that PS2?


Personally if i were you i would probably end up bying one as i dont suppose it will be very long before they bring out a PS3, So if/when they do bring the next one out then the price for the PS2 will obviously go down, and have you heard of shops like Cash converters and Cash generators? As they sell all sorts of odds and sods in these shops, although admittadly it is all second hand, but they do check that anything they get in is in good working order and it is all checked, Plus it will be at very good and reasonable prices too. You can get things from Computor games and consoles, mobile phones, dvd%26#39;s, videos and small things like that up to things like Televisions, Stereo%26#39;s, Dvd players, hoovers etc. So even though these shops do sell the goods second hand they do check that they work and that they are not going to go bang when you plug them in and also you will get a 60 day warrenty, So if something does happen to go wrong then you can take it back with no worrys as long as its within these 60days. I no the goods are second hand but if you are on a tight budget and the goods work and there is nothing wrong with them and you get a warrenty etc why not try one of these places? To be honest i go to these two shops quite often as i to live on an extremely tight budget, so if one of my items goes bang or conks out on me or i fancy spoiling myself then because of my budget i go to these types of shops.

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