Thursday, October 22, 2009

has anybody got a playstation3 and can answer these questions?

are the graphics any better with HDMI leads ?

is it easy to hook up to online games ?

what are the games like ?

and is it better than xbox 360 honestly?


are the graphics any better with HDMI leads ?

Ok, first of all do you have a HD TV? If it output at 720p you will notice a big difference in detail. If you have 1080i/p you will see a HUGE difference in quailty. The sound and visuals will improve greatly and you will have the nex-gen experience.

Although, you do not necessarly need one.

is it easy to hook up to online games ?

If you have a wireless connect it is as easy as 1,2,3... However, if you are in the days or wires all you have to do it connect it vio-la you are done. Then you register with the PSN and online gaming and shopping/surfing here you come!

what are the games like ?

The games are breath-taking!

All of the visuals are amazing and give a new life to all of the characters. R:FOM is the must have release game. Everything in the game you can interact with right down to the last pebel. Okay the make or break game for the PS3 is Motorstorm - which, if you haven%26#39;t heard of... WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! The game is soo detailed and the AI is so responsive you will truely feel like you are in the car wiping the mud of your face.

and is it better than xbox 360 honestly?

Ok, PS3 has manage to match the graphics of the 360%26#39;s Gears of War on release? It took Microsoft a year to get the that stage and BAM! Sony do it in one? Does that tell you something? PS3 is more than a gaming system. It has: Blu-ray, 1080p, Soon you can download TV and playback, download demos of games, Online play with 40+++ people at a time, Internet browser, Interact with your PSP, Card readers, PS2/1 backwards compatibilty and with endless firmware upgrades there is no end to what this console is capable of.

Any other questions add me on : no one should have a ps3 they dont come out till march gemini, the ps3 came out last year in america and japan...

the graphics will be better with HDMI leads (the more expensive, the better the graphics)

i dont know about the games question,

but it really depends on what you are looking for compared to the 360...

bluray movies, linking to psp possibly, better definiton, but more expensive and less games...

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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