Tuesday, October 20, 2009

help my desperate housewives game won't install?

I just brought this game Desperate Housewives and it install the first dis but not the second dis and it pass all the requirements HELP


There is this thing where you can see all these different icons, and then you click on the setup one, and it will ask you if you want to install all the requirements and then say yes! Hope that helps, my brother helped me with mine, so I didn%26#39;t do it, but I sorta watched. read the thingy its like blue or purple or something its a box and it should say pass or fail mine failed on the video card requirements

:[ but my computer is getting fixed as we speak!

so urs may b something different but most ppls problems were the same as mine so call ur computer repair shop and explain to them whats the problem hope this helps!!

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