Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Help me! error while installing Flight Simulator X?

An error appeared while installing Flight Sim X right in the start(from first DVD)

error is like this

%26#39;1628:Failed to complete installation%26#39;

my system config:-

AMD Athlon 2600XP+(1.9GHz)

512MB DDR RAM(400MHz)


Nvidia GeForce XFX 6600 AGP(128MB)

Asus X-series motherboard

Logitech Joystick

What might be the reason? i have 20GB free space thats enough for a game which requires 15GB space, also i have only 210MB free space on C:%26#92; drive, its coz of it? or something else, plz tell me i m dying to play this game


Looks like an install shield prob. Seen it happen when the uninstallation log file, if the installation is corrupt. The second causes the first. You can try to detect and end an previously running installation process (IDriver.exe).

clean the temp dir. try installing the app again to see if you still get the same error.

if the above don%26#39;t work repeat the above steps, reinstall Windows Installer Engine, reboot your computer and run your installation. Most proly the issue would get resolved. :) 1. the dvd is lost the data. just go to the store, and ask the new dvd.

2. Are your Pc support dvd Disk???

3. you should use 3.06GHz for better speed, and 1GB of RAM

4.Try Another Game to test your Pc. I think it%26#39;s your low space on the C drive. The install program uses the "%TEMP% variable to find temporary space in which to expand the files. 210mb is likely too little. You will probably run into problems with this program after install because it needs a lot of memory swap space, which defaults to the C drive as well.

Free up some space on the C drive and try again.

The answers post by the user, for information only, CeQnA.com does not guarantee the right.

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