Thursday, October 22, 2009

Halo name and clan name?

my current halo name is "Rush" what should my new name be or is or is that a good name the "T.N.T." "The new threat" is my clan is that a good name or should i change it or give me suggestion


good name indeed.

:%26gt; peace

. Here is a good clan name : The Soviet Union or Soviet Union or Soviets

My clan name is the Corleone Fam1ly. can i join ure clan !!!!!

that name is good.... The Pwnguins.

and name could be Honcho Pwnguin.

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HALO online ?

does anyone still play it and is it online for the 360 ? because i have no ride to go anywhere tonite because i was sleeping and everyone left already :( gah i need a car lol. so im prolly gonna go buy it if its online.


Halo 2 on Xbox live is ALWAYS busy with hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world. Literally..... i personaly have it for the PC an there is al least 500 to 1600 people online

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halo online for pc, anyone going to be on in anywhere from 10 min to an hour?

email me and i will be on to play i am i girl and i just got the game i think i%26#39;m pretty good, my name on there is DeadAngel89


Funny avitar for a girl. Sure i%26#39;ll play. My server name is Titian. Do you have Halo Custom Edition?

halo online for pc,why is no one online?

i got to the online part of the game and no one is on


Because there all on Xbox Live. Go get a 360. tell me where to go and i will get on

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how do u own in halo??


Practice and always aim for the head with all weapons. Battle Rifles are very good and expecially this noob combo.

First charge up a plasma pistol, then shoot someone with it. As soon as you shoot it quickly get your battle rifle and shoot him in the head until he dies, which usually requires 1-2 bursts from your BR if you hit him with the plasma pistol. Practice, practice and more practice. The more you play the better you%26#39;ll get.

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how to get all levels in halo


search cheats dude there is one There%26#39;s no cheats, so you need to complete the levels to unlock the next one.

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Hannah Montana DS help with Rico's key!?

I have Rico%26#39;s key chain and the key to the music store backstore. I saw one question where the answer said its on a stand by the bathrooms by Rico%26#39;s shop but I still can%26#39;t find it. Am I supposed to combine the music store key with Rico%26#39;s key chain? It won%26#39;t let me. Help! I%26#39;m stuck!


no find the other part of the key then combine it with the keychain...

Hannah Montana NDS - teacher notes?

I%26#39;ve found the notes and given them to the teacher three times, but it won%26#39;t let me past? What am I doing wrong?


i havent gotten to that part. look on

i need help w// the third mystery where miley and lilly need to find something in the school after u talk to ricco if any one know where the item is plz let me know (

HARMONY REMOTE FOR XBOX has anyone tried it?if so do you likeit?


What makes this particular remote so interesting is the fact that it works seamlessly with my Xbox 360. This is the first Harmony or even multi-function remote I have ever personally used, so it%26#39;s a good experiment to see just how easy it is to set up. Besides the fact that it supports Xbox 360, it can also control 11 other devices for a total of 12. I will be testing it out with a few of my devices I have on hand to see if they are even supported, or work reliably with the remote.

One reason many people have held off picking one up is because of their relatively high price.

However, I have to say that this is one of the best looking remotes I%26#39;ve ever seen. Many "All-In-One" remotes focus too much on looking hardcore instead of looking %26#39;cool%26#39;. Since this is for the Xbox 360, it only makes sense that it have great styling, and Logitech seems to have pulled that one off.

The plastic that the remote is constructed of is even better than what I had expected. It%26#39;s hard to describe, but it%26#39;s %26#39;softer to the touch%26#39; than the plastic of the original Xbox 360 remote, or even the controller for that matter. The back of the remote is contoured to fit in your hands really well, and it does. Overall, it%26#39;s a very comfortable remote to use, and is not too heavy.

Other answers:

Harvest Moon for the Sony Psp?

Does anyone know when a Harvest Moon game for the Sony Psp coming out? I heard it%26#39;s already out in Japan but when does it come out in the US?


I love Harvest Moon! Actually I%26#39;ve been waiting for the release as well. I don%26#39;t think there%26#39;s a release date quite yet, but I hope they come out with it soon.

harvest moon magical melody ...?

how do you get the aging pot from saibara do you just be friends or what?


Here is how you get the aging pot:

Once you get saibara at town hearts and you shipped at least five good clay the next time you enter the atelier he asks you a favor. he wants you to deliver a plate that the mayor ordered. agree to deliver the plate and go to the mayor house when you enter and deliver the plate he thanks you and give you a recipe. your trek isn%26#39;t done yet return to saibara at his shop and in his gratiude you get the aging pot.

Harvest moon magical melody??

ok i have another question

i am just wonering do we have to wash our animals??if the answer is yes how??


No you don%26#39;t have to wash your animals but I would recommend brushing your animals everyday and talking to them. The more the animals love you, the more valuble there products become, and with the horse the more hearts your have the more stamina you have during horse races. Stars that your horse has is how speedy your horse is. To get a star, you have to ride your horse for 12 hours. You get to ride your horse at 2 hearts. and press x to ride it. And for you... I give the present of joy! a very merry unchristmas too you! to me? no! to you! I dont know

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Harvest Moon: Friends Of Mineral Town, Mining?

I have read all the ways to get to a certain level in the mines by not getting tired, but I don%26#39;t get what they are trying to say. Can anyone please explain to me how to get to level 200 or even 50 in the mine without losing any fatigue? Thanks.


Well, it kinda goes like this:

You will need both 2 slots of the game. Yes, you REALLY NEED IT. You can bring 3 or 4 of those helpful herbs too. So, your game is saved on the first slot. Save it in the part where you arrive at the 1st floor of the mine. Then find the hole and REMEMBER WHERE IT IS. Next upload the 1st slot, which will bring you back to the 1st floor. Then go to the place where the stairs is and dig it. This will save you a lot of energy. Then when you arrive at the 2nd floor, save your game in the 2nd slot. Just in case if there are no stairs in the 2nd floor. When you find the stair, upload the 2nd slot again. (this process goes on and on)

I really hope this helps... well, at least it helped me get to the bottom of the cave.

Has any body played the new game black.How is it?

tell me about the gameplay and weapons, and dont forget about the grafics


Its got great graphics. Anything you shoot shows damage or bullet holes.(Pretty cool) There is a wide range in which you can tavel to complete a level. The only downfall that I don%26#39;t like about it is that its not very challenging. There are 3 difficulty levels to choose from at the start and when you complete the game in the hardest level you unlock the last and supposidly the hardest of them all. Well I just bought the game a few days ago and I started right away on the hardest level of the three that are open. And I%26#39;ve been breezing through the levels. Its fun, great graphics, just not very challenging.

Other answers:

has any got a 360 that freezes and found that the fan add on helped?


Don%26#39;t place it next to any other appliance that heats up and put it on a hard surface with plenty of space either side for ventilation !. Make sure you don%26#39;t have it set down on carpet... it will overheat Yes my xbox 360 was freezing continously and i decided to get an intercooler. It actually broke the system and i had to send it into microsoft and they gave me a brand new one for free. If your having any problems anymore with yours just contact microsoft All XBOX 360s has a year long warranty...So just call customer support and send it to them...And they will repair it or send you a new one...And the fan really does not help...It is not needed...It gives less power to you 360 so its bad for the 360... i used a fan add on and it melted my power pack i can still smell burnt plastic to this day

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has any one bought from a site called uk gaming experts?

the web site is called uk gaming experts


I couldn%26#39;t even visit it. It doesn%26#39;t sound very good. I haven%26#39;t bought from it.

has any one had thier psp chrash because of the of upgrade sony want £65 to send a replacement?


No, you probably didn%26#39;t follow directions and didn%26#39;t bother to charge your PSP or have a almost full battery before a firmware upgrade thus bricking your system yourself.

Juice by you.

has any one tried ? is it safe to use on psp ver 2.01?

I%26#39;ve seen a lot of ad from

on the website it says ANY version of PSP are ok to use their service.. has any one used it before? what do you think??


That website is a hoax. In other words, it doesn%26#39;t exist. Just follow the link below and see!

Other answers:

has anybody else got 'Deal or No Deal' the interactive DVD game?

I bought it for my dad for christmas, but it seems a bit glitchy, sorta freezes and restarts . i know its really slow loading but does anyone elses do this ? is it just how they are or have i got a dud one ?


It%26#39;s usually caused by the "branching" technology that is used when the player tries to work out where it should take the watcher next. It is common on most interactive DVD games, and at best means that the ends of sentences get cut off, or at worst, the whole thing freezes up and has to be ejected and restarted.

There is no magical cure unfortunately. I have access to four different DVD players (standalone and portable) plus my PC%26#39;s DVD drive, and my disc only works right on two of them, including my PC - on the others it freezes up, but always at a different point in the game!! Some people report that the cheaper lower-end DVD players work best with this disc rather than a high-end player, while others report problems on their PC drive as well. It%26#39;s clearly not right and there are some serious authoring issues with this title, even though C4 are denying it. If it won%26#39;t play right on your player then it will probably never play right, no matter how many times you return it for a new copy. If you can get your money back then I suggest you do so - either that or find a mate who has a DVD player that it will work on!! All the interactive games on DVD run slowly, i got my kids some for xmas but they do the same.Ive got deal or no deal on my phone and that plays fine the kids love it. nope but get it checked out or send it back. ask for refund or soemthing. you have the right as a customer and see trading standards laws and rules of customer service. I got it and so did a friend of mine and they both take FOREVER. After trying several DVD games I have given up on them, they repeat themselves far too quickly and are V expensive.

Has anybody ever played the game LostPlanet, not out yet but how is like compared to Gears of War or


yes it is my favorite. there is a ton of cheats on I thing gears of war is way more better. I don%26#39;t really like lost planet to much. I think gears of war has more suspension then lost planet. Did you know there making a gears of war 2. Holy crap,

Gears of War is so much better in every way.

Lost planet is like.... hmmm.. syphon filter or soemthing.

its got a lot of snow thats about it.

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Has anybody finished KAMEO video game?

If so how do you kill THORN at the last stage?


From IGN:

Make sure to have the Gem of Restoration enabled.

Switch to Thermite and just keep firing lava bombs at Thorn, he%26#39;ll steadily take damage from them. Back away from him while you do so after he gets his morning star. If and when water trolls appear, switch to Deep Blue to spray them, leaving them vulnerable to Thorn%26#39;s attacks, switch back to Thermite and

resume the bombs.

When Thorns health is reduced to zero, he falls to the deck, down but not yet out. Kalus remains to be dealt with and Thorn will revive if you don%26#39;t take care of her quickly. Switch to Chilla and start throwing ice spikes at her, it will take 10 to finish her off.

Alternate way:

Brandon sent this altenate method for bringing down Thorn: "When you use 40 below, and use his wreaker attack, you are pretty much invincible against anything in that boss battle. So if you keep using that attack, you beat Thorn pretty easily. Then as you said, you can finish off the girl [Kalus] with Chila." NOTE: I tried the strategy Brandon sent when going for the co-op

achievement, it works well until Thorn starts jumping around. At that point it%26#39;s difficult to keep up with Thorn, so I%26#39;d recommend switching to Thermite to use the lava bombs until Thorn picks up the morning star, at which point 40 Below%26#39;s wrecker will be able to hit him again.

Jay adds this comment to the 40 below strategy: I didn%26#39;t experience the problem that you did when he was jumping around. I use the lava bombs for the first wave, because that%26#39;s the easiest. I originally used 40 to try to force the focused attack (as ortho suggested), but didn%26#39;t get anywhere with it. So,

I unloaded on Thorn. I just kept nailing him until I ran out of spirit, then ran away for a few seconds, then did it again. I completely disregarded all of the other demons and just focused on him.

has anybody got a playstation3 and can answer these questions?

are the graphics any better with HDMI leads ?

is it easy to hook up to online games ?

what are the games like ?

and is it better than xbox 360 honestly?


are the graphics any better with HDMI leads ?

Ok, first of all do you have a HD TV? If it output at 720p you will notice a big difference in detail. If you have 1080i/p you will see a HUGE difference in quailty. The sound and visuals will improve greatly and you will have the nex-gen experience.

Although, you do not necessarly need one.

is it easy to hook up to online games ?

If you have a wireless connect it is as easy as 1,2,3... However, if you are in the days or wires all you have to do it connect it vio-la you are done. Then you register with the PSN and online gaming and shopping/surfing here you come!

what are the games like ?

The games are breath-taking!

All of the visuals are amazing and give a new life to all of the characters. R:FOM is the must have release game. Everything in the game you can interact with right down to the last pebel. Okay the make or break game for the PS3 is Motorstorm - which, if you haven%26#39;t heard of... WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! The game is soo detailed and the AI is so responsive you will truely feel like you are in the car wiping the mud of your face.

and is it better than xbox 360 honestly?

Ok, PS3 has manage to match the graphics of the 360%26#39;s Gears of War on release? It took Microsoft a year to get the that stage and BAM! Sony do it in one? Does that tell you something? PS3 is more than a gaming system. It has: Blu-ray, 1080p, Soon you can download TV and playback, download demos of games, Online play with 40+++ people at a time, Internet browser, Interact with your PSP, Card readers, PS2/1 backwards compatibilty and with endless firmware upgrades there is no end to what this console is capable of.

Any other questions add me on : no one should have a ps3 they dont come out till march gemini, the ps3 came out last year in america and japan...

the graphics will be better with HDMI leads (the more expensive, the better the graphics)

i dont know about the games question,

but it really depends on what you are looking for compared to the 360...

bluray movies, linking to psp possibly, better definiton, but more expensive and less games...

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has anybody got the sims 2 pets on the PSP and if you have can you tell what is it like and is it wo


every sims game is **** play a proper game like grand theft auto I%26#39;ve got it gets boring after a while its good when you first start playing it but it will ask you to download something . The Sims games are extremely boring in my opinion, and it would be best to avoid this installment of another mindless franchise.

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Has anyone tried using a steering wheel for playstation racing games? it seems impossible to control

one second you need a little steering so you apply a little but its not turning so before you know it its full lock so you go opposite lock to correct it then your in the crash seems like its either full lock or nothing.



I can relate to your troubles using the wheel, i found that the best way is to alter the settings for the wheel (calibrate the wheel from in the game) You normally have to practice for a while to get to grips with it and once you have done this its OK,

Hope you master it soon!

Steve it takes practise hunni, but once you%26#39;ve cracked it, its really good Depends what steering wheel you have. I had a g-force wheel which was excellent with Gran Turismo 3 and 4 a few years ago. set your view to in car view or the view where no car is visible on screen, this should make it easier to control if not i cant help you sorry

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Has anyone used the Sims2 Mobile game? I want to download but can't find it anywhere...I'm o


Don%26#39;t bother! It%26#39;s one of the crappiest games I%26#39;ve ever played and I beat it within 15 minutes. Definitely not worth buying but I got mine through Cingular.

Other answers:

Has anyone used/have that computer pen theyhave on the market?

They are about 100 bucks. They have some type of comuer in them, not to sure what they do or are called. I seen a commercial a few months ago and am trying to find out something about them. Anything?


It%26#39;s called FLY Pentop Computer. It has a computer chip in it, a camera to read what you write, games, music stuff, and a TON of other stuff. I have one, believe me when I say IT%26#39;S AWESOME! Hope this Helps!

Other answers:

has anyones ps3 malfuctioned?

does your ejection button not work,or the disk doesn%26#39;t comeout likhow long does it take for the disk to comeout.or how long do you press the button


i was experiencing the same problem myself. I believe you have to push the ejector button at 3 second intervals 3 times. If that doesn%26#39;t work, try throwing it up against a wall. Hope this helps! that may be because you dont know how to use it. It is very rare that they malfunction.

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has asnyone got cheats for dead rising on xbox 360?


go on

Has halo 2 (4 pc that is) came out?

i really want it if it hasent plz tell me when i have herd of jan1st 07 plz correct me if not. thx!!!


I don%26#39;t know the exact date it is coming out.

But it is only coming out for windows vista.

Has the PS3 already failed?

I read more and more that the PS3 a) has already saturated its market, as evidenced by the fact that many stores have the system in stock now, b) is hard to develop for so, combined with its low installed base, developers are developing primarily for other platforms first, and c) that consumers aren%26#39;t going to go nuts for another physical disk format like blu-ray, when the future is more and more downloads, on-demand, HD storage of media files, etc.

Has Sony blown it with the PS3?


Sony came through with the promise of getting millions of machines in stores by early 2007, thats why stores have it in stock. like the 360, games are in development and when the big games come out and blow away everything else on the market, the boom will come again. i do own one, my best friend has a 360, even he admits how much better the ps3 is, it just a matter if time, just a matter of good games. trust me, the time will come personally i think it has all the hype has gone off it now. I know my brother still wants one and is giving me his ps2. but if i was buying a console i would probably go for the Xbox 360. I bought the 360 2 days it started to over heat I took it back and got the ps3 it looks better and u can play blue ray movies on it only thing I wish was that halo 3 was on ps3

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has thePS3been launched in the middle east and what's the price range.?


look in not yet.

it wil be soon officially. but can buy them for resellers in the market.

march for the official sony middle east launch.

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Has there been any problems with the wii that are know?

you know how there are always bugs in new systems... what about the WII....


firmware error: there was one isolated issue with the first systems released -- the error occurred during the first firmware update rendering the system unable to connect to the internet for subsequent updates. Nintendo replaced the relatively small number of systems affected.

internet: some people have reported issues with internet connectivity (general slowness, inability to connect) but many of these result from user error related to router setup or interference with wireless signal.

overheating: the wii runs a bit on the warmer side (due to the WiiConnect24 feature), but some have reported issues with overheating, specifically when the system is stored in the upright (vertical) position. issues with overheating include: refusing to awake from sleep mode, graphics card overheating and producing graphical anomalies during gameplay, and freezing during gameplay.

overall, these are pretty minor and the Wii has been fairly solid throughout the release. Not as far as I know, but if it does, it has a lot less than the PS3. I haven%26#39;t herd anything bad about the Wii. The only thing that I did hear was that people are letting the handles go. In doing so they are breaking things.TV, black eye, fans.......etc only ..if you throw your remote at the t.v. screen...but awesome to have .for younger kids...and price range There have been no known bugs in the Wii.

The only problem some people have been complaining about is the Wiimote string that connects the Wiimote to the strap.

Some people have reported that it has snapped off when they attempted to swing the Wiimote, and let go of it.

Their at fault, considering you should be holding onto your Wiimote at all time while playing a game. :/

The Wii had a pretty solid release.

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Hasbro Monopoly Junior will not open on windows XP flag states OS problem what next?

Unable to contact Hasbro seems to be on holiday


find the executable file on your pc hard drive (eg. monopolyjr.exe )

right click this and click on the compatability tab.

Set it to run under the assumption of windows 98 or ME and this should resolve your issue.

Have a DS Lite?

What do you like/dislike about it? What color? I can%26#39;t decide which color to get! And how old are you?


I have a DS Lite!

I really like it, it%26#39;s small and the "stylus" and second screen are cool features.

I also like how you can play Gameboy advance games on the DS Lite.

There%26#39;s a cool feature called pictochat where you can text message people w/ a DS within a close range of you, but I find it kind of pointless (if you are that close to eachother can%26#39;t you just talk???!!??)

It%26#39;s a lot better then the plain DS,My cousin let me see his, they%26#39;re really bulky, but the DS Lite is very compact.

I have the white one, but the black one is ok- I wouldnt want the pink one, its too much of a "Barbie Pink", but thats just a personal opinion. Go somewhere they are display so you can see what they really look like

I have yet to find any dislikes about it! : )

Hope this helps!!!!!

*****why do you want to know how old i am?????***** Doesn%26#39;t matter the color choose the one you like and that doesn%26#39;t matter about my age!! I will say the black it kool and games look even brighter 4 me dont know why ya black okay peace

C.los No, I don%26#39;t have one, but I got one for my daughter for Christmas. She%26#39;s 9, and hers is %26#39;Artic White,%26#39; or something of the like (white).

She loves it. Her little sister is jealous because her GBA doesn%26#39;t have a stylus, but also since she has games just for the DS Lite (Brain Age and some others). I like that there are other games for it that I can buy for her birthday. I wanted to get her a pink DS Lite, but they were sold out (she%26#39;s still thrilled to have the white one). I own a DS Lite (Black) and think it%26#39;s a wonderful handheld even in comparison to the original DS.

Have a few questions about the Wii?

After a long night of drinking and playing bowling on the Wii yesterday i%26#39;m thinking about getting one but have a few questions.

First, If I cant and don’t plan on putting the Wii online is it still worth getting? Also, someone told me that the Wii gets updates when online, are these updates mandatory to play games that may come out later?

Second, are there going to be some cooler shooting games on the Wii as opposed to the GameCube which seemed to have mostly children’s games?

Any other opinions on the Wii you want to give would be appreciated. Thanks!


Buy it I have it and is great! get the wii. i have it and love it. let me tell you, i have it hooked up to the internet and in all reality, i can live without it. i mean, its cool, you can buy old games and browse the internet, but the games are few and far between and the internet part is kind of lame. just use your computer. and as of right now i dont think you can even play people online. and as far as updates, i heard they will have them, but i never had to update my system. and i doubt they would make everyone update there system in order to play a game. and as far as shooters for the wii, i am going to have to say yes there will be lots. if you look at what the wiis gimmick is, the whole point the controller at the tv, it only makes sense that they should make shooters. so my advice to you is, go out and get one. its extremely fun. hope this helps First, the wii does get updates online, its called wii connect24 and what happens is you have to hook up ur wii to a valid internet connection, and then say u download super mario world for the super nintendo, it automatically updates on ur wii overnight, even when its on standby mode (when u power ur wii off). Second, the only shooting game available for the wii is call of duty 3, which is pretty good and all, but it gets pretty frustrating as you need to use the wii remote and the nunchuk attachment to perform certain hand "gestures" (i.e. driving a van or fighting off Nazi%26#39;s with ur wii remote). Again, this is the only shooting out on the market right now, but hopefully there will be more in the near future.

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Have anyone herd of Wii?


It is the new name for the New Nitnendo System. It was Revolution but now its Wii. It has the ability to Download old games from 10 years ago and beyond. It can play old Game Cube games and the new Wii Games. It can also play DVD Movies! It will be a great system

Other answers:

Have anyone played MGS : snake eater ? i need some help!Please!?

i am playing mgs right now.But i%26#39;m stuck in a jail ...i can%26#39;t figure how to get out from it...i%26#39;m really the ****can i get out from here!!! i tried many ways but i still can%26#39;t go out.My friend told me that i can go out of here by using the radio.i don%26#39;t know what he means.can you help me!!please!!!!!!!!!!!!!


wow i havent played that game in years but from what i remember you move something or someone comes to rescue you. go to and search snake eater and there are faqs that can help you out.

Have ever heard of Diablo Game? Is three coming out soon?

I loved the game Diablo part 1 %26 2. any one know if three is out?



Other answers:

Have the video 80gb ipod i dowloaded some videos need help?

i have the video 80gb ipod i dowloaded some videos need help?


iPod accepts only MP4 format video, if your video is not that format, you couldn%26#39;t add it to iPod.

If your video already is MP4 format, open iTunes, drag your video file to iTunes library, connect your iPod to PC, then click iTunes %26#39;File -%26gt; Sync iPod%26#39;, your video will be transfered to iPod.If you don%26#39;t have iTunes, you can download iTunes free from apple official site

If your video isn%26#39;t MP4 format. You can use %26#39;Video to iPod Converter%26#39; to convert your video to iPod format, I always use it to do that, very easy to use and works well for me. This software can transfer converted video to iPod directly without iTunes, you needn%26#39;t add it to iTunes then sync to iPod again, it also has 24*7 hours online technical support, really help. You may download it for a trial.

Here is a step by step guide about this software

If you are Mac user, you can use %26#39;handbrake%26#39;, it%26#39;s free and fit for Mac OS, here is the download link

Here is a step by step guide about it

I hope it helps. try to find help here Avex DVD %26 Video Super Pack combines DVD Ripper Platinum, Video Converter Platinum and all DVD to iPod, PSP, 3GP, Zune Video Suite into one at steep discount. The software features superb video/audio quality, the fastest conversion speed available on the market (Up to 3x faster), vast support for all kinds of devices. Easy to use and features fully loaded. It%26#39;s a great software toolkit for video professionals as well as home users.

Have they stopped making Action Replays and Action Replay Maxes?

I have been everywhere looking for an Action Replay Max, and all we can find are Gamesharks and Codebreakers. Have they stopped making the Action Replay stuff altogether?


No, they are still churning out AR%26#39;s, and they look to be around for alot longer.

Perhaps the stores in your area have not updated their stock, that is a case in one store I have nearby that really is in the old ages, if you know what I mean lol.

have u got any cheat codes for mario duble dash on G.C and for mario 64 on the DS?


there are no actual cheat codes but here are links to help you out how to unlock everything

ps: I havent found anything on mario kart double dash

Bowser: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Other answers:

have uuuuuuu played either sims1,sims bustin out,sims2,urbz-sims in the city.?

ive played all!


I%26#39;ve played sims 1 on computer. Good tutorials! I have all the sims, plus sims 2. Great game but very big package for computers. And which is unfare to people who can only have $200 computers and not a big graphics or memory cards. like me for instance I have the 9 gb computer and sims takes up 7gb. Which leaves me with 2gb for other things. And my computer playing the sims2 is now super slow. I don%26#39;t have the money to buy a bigger computer to fix the problem. I also have the Urbz for playstation 2. That is a great game, for people who likes challanges. It%26#39;s alot of fun too!

Other answers:

Have Video Games Gone TOO Far?


YES!! My boyfriend is always playing his PS2, but I have to admit I do like Super Mario Bros. on Nintendo DS lite =]

Other answers:

have you any of the original xboxes--xbox s-pad consoles?

This is a black box with a green x on top


Check out this site for all your electronic needs for a cheap price!!!

It even sells Playstation 3 and a real Volce and Gabbana Rzr V3!!!! There should be a few on ebay, but check seller feedback first. dadasapom

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Have you ever bought something and then switched the product for return?

Esp for online retailers. For ex. You bought a 250 dollar video card from and then you switched it with a 20 dollar video card and returned it. Has anyone ever done this? You think you will be able to get away?


Here%26#39;s something else to think about:

If you are caught, (and I think that%26#39;s likely), you would be charged with a more serious crime than simple shoplifting. You would be in the federal category of Internet fraud, and possibly postal fraud.

Stealing is wrong, no matter how you attempt it. Hehe, I%26#39;d never thought of that.

Thanks for the idea! no That is dishonest. By doing things like that, you drive up the prices for the next person who comes along. Shame on you for even suggesting it. yes i have thought of it but it is called scamming and it is a felony no

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Have you ever gone to mexico?

did you like mexico?


YEEEEEAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!! No cobo :) Yes, twice.

Not really. let me say you

I LIVE IN MEXICO!"!!!!!!!!! yes very nice. it depends on your age and ethnicity if you%26#39;ll like it. No. Do not intend to, either. been there , parts are nice and parts are crap. food is good . drinks are better. no, I%26#39;m not sure i want to go. I%26#39;ve heard the water is dirty and you can get kidnaped. it%26#39;s too bad america doesn%26#39;t own mexico so the ppl there could have a more civilized life. Went to Acapulco - nice town...Nice ocean... Nope, got close though. Yes i have and i really liked it.

and to EVILIVE you are MEAN!!!! Yes, I liked it very much. Went to Cancun also to the Yucatan Peninsula to see the Mayan ruins. Yes, several times. Hermosillo, Keno (sp) Bay , Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta, Nogales. Beautiful country and wonderful people that I%26#39;ve met. The culture is great, plenty of activities to participate in. Don%26#39;t get caught up in the touristy things. Explore the country and ask questions. Learn some of the basic language. Nope and I don%26#39;t have a desire to, either. Why go there when they%26#39;re all here? Actually, I%26#39;ve never had a desrie to go there. I%26#39;ve heard the food is horrible, at least in Cancun.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Have you ever played animal crossing for the gamecube version?How do you think the makers could impr

I just want to get some ideas for it.


yeah but its the same as the Ds version.. Nintendo game cube sucks so does the nintendo wii. no a huge selection for the two. If you where a kid its a huge selection.

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Have you guyz heard of the new iGames from the creators of the ipod video and ipod nano?

Sup evry1 have you guyz ever heard of the iGames from apple they made a iGame witch is a device thats a inch bigger than the ipod video you can download the games all for free and like the previose ipods you can download videos, music and now Video Games. It has Hi Def graphics and you can play Call Of Duty 2 and 3. The other good thing to that they feature ALOT of game titles all for free so without the hasle of hooking your USB connection to your pc all you do is go to the iGames section and get them all for free right there on the iGames. see photos of it at yahoo images


u know this is fake right completely fake

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Have you had a bad experience with your XBOX 360?

I posted a similar question earlier and I was amazed at what people had to say. Customer service is horrible. How has your experience been? There is power in numbers. I would love to log multiple experiences and send them to microsoft. (I don%26#39;t want your names simply your experiences)

What was your experience?

Thank you so much!


I%26#39;ve got a pretty good story. I bought a *brand new* 360 from Best Buy in November. When I got it home, I noticed some scuffs and dings on the surface and the hard drive, and some hand grease on the controller. I started up the unit and put in Gears of War. The system immediately froze up and flashed three red lights on the circle. I called MS tech support and spent an hour and a half on hold. Finally I talked to man who intorduced himself as Akmed and spoke poor English. His suggestion was to restart the unit an try again. I told him that I had. He suggested making sure the date and time were correct. I hung up, packed it all back up and returned the bundle to Best Buy. They were very gracious and said that it had been happening to about a third of the systems they%26#39;ve sold. They gave me another unit and said to just bring it back to them if I had any more problems, because MS tech support is spotty. I opened the new unit up. No scratches or grease, and it%26#39;s worked fine. My suspicion is that MS had refurbed an old unit and repackaged it as *new* to meet the demand caused by the launch of the PS3 and Wii. How crappy is that? yes, my little brother smashed it with a hammer when he was mad at me for not keeping a BIG promise, but considering i got a Wii after he smashed my Xbox 360, it was overall a good experience My Xbox 360 has been amazing. Nothing has happened with it. I have never had to call any customer service. Xbox 360%26#39;s are the best. i found it to be good so far there customer service is terrible when my 360 overheated I called up and got it fixed with a new heating fan. It was $22 shipping that they never reimbursed me for and it took the 2 and a half months to get it fixed. My problem is with the disk drive i think. It creates a large buzzing noise when reading games and dvds only to stop and display either %26#39;Unplayerble Disk%26#39; or %26#39;Please play this disk with an xbox 360 console%26#39;. I was very frustrated so i phoned microsoft support and was told that if it had a problem with dvd playback then thats my problem, saying that it was a games console.

Have you had problems with nintendo wii?

Would you advice a person to get one?


no, i love my wii! and yes i would tell people to get one.

the only problems that i%26#39;v heard of the the ones were people get "TOO INTO" the game and start flailing their arm and accidentally let go of the wii remote. but i think thats there fault. so if your thinking about buying a wii, i%26#39;d say go for it. I think wii is great because it%26#39;s the first step to virtual reality but be careful not to injure anyone or destroy anything.

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Have you heard they are making a Xbox handheld?

I heard rumors and saw in a magazine that Microsoft is gonna make a Xbox handheld i think it will be called a Xbox 180 i seen this beuty but i%26#39;ve seen differant pictures of it to who nows how Microsoft will make it or WILL THEY EVER MAKE IT!!!


Started as a rumor 2 years into the Xbox%26#39;s lifespan.

Rumor was backed up by pictures later revealled to be a basement-dwelling hacker who took apart a Controller-S and remodelled it.

Prior to Xbox 360%26#39;s launch, rumor resurfaced.

Microsoft DID confirm to the Associated Press after E3 %26#39;05 that they were thinking about a handheld Xbox.

Handheld Xbox was later confirmed to be a handheld PC tablet running Windows Vista to be released in 2006-2007. It was believed to be a portable Xbox because the tablet was shown running the PC copy of Halo.

So yes, Microsoft had a hand in a handheld. But no, it is not a handheld Xbox. I doubt it will ever come to fruition. what web site did u go to

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Have you played the Wii game, Rapala Tournament Fishing?

I have a 6 year old that LOVES to fish and anything to do with it. We recently got a wii and I was wondering if anyone had played that game. Can a 6 year old play it? Is it fun?


its a decent game. its nothing too special. yeas you do have to pull the remote and reel with the numchuck.for a 6 year old i thing they will enjoy it. and i think that game is cheaper than newer games so i say go for it. here%26#39;s a link on ebay where you can read reviews of the game by ebay members well its pretty much the same as fishing ive seen fishing games on it i have wii.... on the back of the game is the rating is "E" pretty much should be enough to let you know that she can play as a safe game and for a young child!!!

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Having problem getting into Halo 2 multi-player matches on xbox live?

I have a 360 with a wireless network adaptor and a 12 month xbox live subscription gold. I%26#39;m logged in and everything, but it is just that I can find any matches or a single person in the game. Am I missing something because I just want to get in the game and play some halo.


It%26#39;s not your Xbox, it%26#39;s was Xbox live. Xbox Live was having technical difficulties last night. Xbox Live should work fine now. Go to the download menu and make sure you have the latest patches and or updates.

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HAY i need help with my PSP please?

Is there any way to connect 2 PSP together so they can chat with out an internet connection? I have 2 PSP and you need to go step by step in your instructions.


Sorry to say but you can%26#39;t even chat on a PSP. The Web browser is designed to download music and pictures. There is no PC format on the PSP. maybe in the next update 3.00

Other answers:

HD cables for the regular Xbox?

Is there any difference in between the regular cables and the Hd cables when hooking up the xbox to an HD tv, does the picture look any better?


It looks a little better if you use the component cables because you%26#39;re going from 480i to 480p.

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hdmi + ps3=???????

im buying a PS3 soon and i need to know if i need a HDMI cable?? my tv is a Weslington 720p. or could/should i just run the PS3 without the cable?


Because normal cables would run 480i, you would in fact need a HDMI cable, 780p is "considered" Hi-Definition. Yes you do need the hdmi cable if you want to use it. I%26#39;m not sure about the tv you are referring to. Maybe the Westinghouse? The hdmi cable is going to give you the best signal. It%26#39;s the best digital audio/video that you can use plus it%26#39;s only a single cable. If it%26#39;s too expensive then there are other options like component video, s-video, and regular composite cables. You would still have to buy them separately as they seem to be a proprietary sony cable. I did some research about the different ways to connect my PS3 to my entertainment system and found this article. Its explains every way to connect and is pretty through.

While you dont need HDMI to enjoy playing your PS3, i always want the latest and greatest equipment so i bought a HDMI cable for 10 bucks. There are a number of online stores that offer HDMI 1.3 cables so its definately worth shopping around for.

I personally bought mine here,

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are HDMI cables better than HD Component cables when it comes to a PS3


They should be. HDMI cables provide and support digital audio and video. Component cables are analog. For the absolute best picture, HDMI is suggested.

Heard of Does anyone else think this is unfair?

Read this%26gt;

but mostly just this%26gt; OUT OF BUSINESS NOTICE

A Sony spokesperson declined to comment directly on the lawsuit against Lik-Sang, but recently went on to tell that "ultimately, we%26#39;re trying to protect consumers from being sold hardware that does not conform to strict EU or UK consumer safety standards, due to voltage supply differences et cetera; is not - in PS3%26#39;s case - backwards compatible with either PS1 or PS2 software; will not play European Blu-Ray movies or DVDs; and will not be covered by warranty".

Lik Sang strongly disagrees with Sony%26#39;s opinion that their customers need this kind of protection and pointed out that PSP consoles shipped from Lik-Sang contained genuine Sony 100V-240V AC Adapters that carry CE and other safety marks and are compatible world wide. All PSP consoles were in conformity with all EU and UK consumer safety regulations.


Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. I%26#39;m sure this company, like 99% of all other asia based companies was counterfeiting trademarked and copyrighted goods. More of sony%26#39;s typical bullsh*t. Lik-sang was a legitimate importer/exporter of many hard to find gaming items, an asset to the gaming world. I really hate Sony. yeah i think it%26#39;s bullshit

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hello..i just recently got a gamecube is there anywhere out there giving out free demo discs???


Sometimes when you register your game cube they send you stuff

Help How do you set up a network adapter for Ps2?????????


Take out the Adapter Bay (says something like that) in the back. Then take the network adapter and use a coin to screw it in. It%26#39;s much easier than it sounds, and you can%26#39;t possibly make a mistake that will damage your PS2, so don%26#39;t be scared. go to or go on

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Help About PSP?

How do i upload music to my psp i have bought a special USB cable made for psp i hook it up to my computer and psp so what do i do next?


Step By Step:

First stick the USB in the PSp and then go to settings and scroll down to usb connection. Click on usb and then go to my computer on your computer. select removable disk g or f. then make folders like pictures, Music, etc. enter the music folder drag or drop the music in the folder. on the psp screen you should see a line going back and forth. viola, your done.

Good Luck. Saving Music / Audio to a Memory Stick Duo?

You can use your PSP? (PlayStation? Portable) system to play music/audio saved to a Memory Stick Duo?. You can use one of two methods to save to your Memory Stick Duo?.

Save Directly to a Memory Stick Duo? in your PSP

Some music/audio can be saved directly to a Memory Stick Duo? while it%26#39;s in your PSP?. For more information, see Saving Directly to a Memory Stick Duo? in your PSP?.

Save to a Memory Stick Duo? using a computer

First, import or download the music/audio onto your computer, then save them to your Memory Stick Duo? to enjoy on your PSP?. See below or Saving to a Memory Stick Duo? Using a Computer for more information.

To save music/audio to a Memory Stick Duo? using a computer:

First import or download music/audio tracks from an audio CD or website:

1.) Make sure your computer contains software that supports the file format you are using and that the files formats are supported by your PSP?. For details, see Compatible Music/Audio Formats.

Help for Zelda wii?

I am a wolf and i cant get the sword. I know which house it is in and i have the shield. I need help getting into the house because some guy is standing there with fire. HELP


Face the house and go around it to the right. face the wall and use your senses. there will be a relatively large black spot. press down on the D-pad to dig into this hole and you will end up inside the house. Grab the sword and leave the same way you entered. want that game SSOOOOO bad and the WII!!!!!!!!!! so i cant help yet but try going to and then search it and go to the faqs and guides section then its pretty self explained. There is a hole on the right of the house. Use your senses. Try your best to avoid the guard. Britanny,

Maybe you should have THIS guide at hand:

It contains pretty much everything about the game, including a detailed walthrough that can help you to solve your Zelda doubts.

Of course is FULL of spoilers. I suggest you that, if you want to fully enjoy your gaming experience, use the guide only when you are really stuck in the game.

The specific answer to you question is in page 5: Use your senses close to the house and look around it. There should be a section that sparkles that you can dig in. Once you dig, you%26#39;ll appear inside the house and to get out you do the same. Once done, go back to the big black wall to go back into the twilight realm.

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Help from those who have beaten GTA San Andreas, please...?

I am on the driving school mission and I have gotten to the last one where I have to drive down to the other side of the city and back w/out damage to the car and w/out stopping..please, any suggestions on how to beat this? The farthest I%26#39;ve gotten is to the red mark, and I always end up stopping on accident. thanks


when u start to drive off, turn to the right, and keep going straight until u get to the double lined road on the map turn right but not too sharp, then after u get to the end turn left, then keep going and go kinda slow on the curved hill, then after u get to the red marker turn right, DO NOT turn Sharp, turn in a bannana shape where when u finish turnin u will be on the left side of the road(where the other cars r comin toward u). then get over to the right side of the rode and keep goin straight, after awhile u will get under the long bridge that goes to Las Venturas, the road will start to get skinnier(2 lanes). then u will come near the Xoomer Gas Staion, right after it, cut across the grass and get back onto the road, hten after u drive under the big highway thing, u will turn left, and go into the tunnel(BE CAREFUL in the tunnel). when u get out cut left across the grass and get on to the road(its the one w/ ur garage), keep going until u get to the driving school and go into the red marker, and u beat it!!!


here is a video:

Help game lovers!I'm stuck on level 2-10 Diner DASH.Who knows how to pass it please e-mail me.?


the key to that game is to sit the old people last.. keep them waiting becsue they are patient.. try never to leave a black business woman waiting or the college kids or the girls

never i mean never,..

always let them go first

and the old guys last..

also try doing everything in sequence.. like take food at same time to the tables because ur score gets multiplied by the number of times u repeat a task

then leave the check for all the tables

then pick up al the plates

then sit everyone else

then pick the orders take themn to the counter

and deliver food at same time and repeat allover again

Other answers:

HELP got BROTHERS IN ARMS D-DAY few days ago for PSP?

i am stuck on THE ALL AMERICANS PART 2

the part were you have to blow up the tanks, i know were the rockets are but wen i get to it i get blow up


Check at or

both sites have detailed information on all video games. Find yours by the title and which system you play on and you will get codes, cheats, walk-throughs, and user forums where you will very likely find the answer to your question.

help help.?

how much dose a wii cost, cuz i want it for christmas.


Send me the money and we%26#39;ll call it even! 250 retail. your on the internet look it up. $150 about 800 bux dumb question. why do you look somewhere that sells one to find out. j two hundred and fifty dollars. good luck finding it my friend. merry christmas. its 250 retail but they r probably sold out...min would be 400 on ebay or something

if u live in iowa(or is willing to drive to iowa) i can hook you up with one for 350 just add me on $678.88 for the whole system on


$400 at a place called "RS-Sale Shop" which I found on Yahoo! Shopping

Thos prices are both without shipping.

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help i am new to nintendogs and my friend played it and created a dog and now it won't let me cr


you can re-set the game if you want. Just turn on the game then press a,b,x,y, left trigger, right trigger all at the same time. This will re-set everything but.

You can create another dog by buying one then take the one your friend made and put it in the kennel (to get to kennel press %26#39;go out%26#39; then kennel). There are some options there that will help you get rid of the dog but cannot remember what there called sorry! You can leave the dog in the kennel so that when the friend plays it they can use that dog they created and leave yours alone!

I hope that made sense and good luck! Nintendogs only alows 1 file. If you want new dogs you have to buy them. you should earn more money by entering contests.

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HELP I have a playstation 3 need for speed carbon and i cant figure out how to buy new cars for care


well first you have to unlock the cars by beating the different race team leaders. then you drive to the dealeships and pick the car you want to buy and buy it....providing you have enough cash of course. well first you gotta make sure that you have enough money to buy the car, if i m not wrong i think you can only buy mazda rx 7, romeo and two other cars, if the game still doesn%26#39;t work then you know wat, get the game exchange and then try wat i just told you and then enjoy the game :).

hope it works out for you. Its called the car lot. I have the game too, and just look at your map. The yellow houses are either safehouses or carlots. If you have enough money you can purchase a car. As you conquer new territories you can unlock more cars to buy. Also when you beat a boss, and you can choose these cards, one might be a pink slip to that boss%26#39; car.

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help i need help...this is a ps3 question...?

what are the differences of the 20 gb and 60 gb


Feature / Basic / Premium

Upgradeable hard drive / Yes, 20 GB / Yes, 60 GB

Blu-ray drive / Yes / Yes

HDMI port / Yes / Yes

Bluetooth controller / Yes / Yes

Chrome trim / No / Yes

Built-in Wi-Fi / No / Yes

Flash card readers / No / Yes if u have a 60gb hard drive, then u can save tons more content than a 20gb hard drive, plus u can save more games on it since it dosent use a memory card Besides the overall memory difference the 60GB also offers an SD memory card slot, a memory stick memory card slot, and a compact flash memory card slot. These are the three most common forms of flash storage used for digital camera%26#39;s and mp3 players. The 60GB also offers WiFi (wireless internet) connectiblity which is handy so you don%26#39;t have to run cables all over your house. In looks, the 60GB version has a little more chrome trim on it as well.

Overall, there the same basic operating system. The 60GB version is just an overall better buy if you are looking to play online and need the extra memory for game/movie/music downloads, or saved game data.

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Help I need some good 80's and 90 songs???


There%26#39;s a website called and that both have top ten songs of the 80s and 90%26#39;s lists that people sent in. There are hundreds of lists, so you can find tons of popular songs from those decades. Find the Billboard tops from those years and then use limewire! Country, rap, rock..... what are u looking for SUBLIME I just heard "One tin soldier" the other day. That has got to be one of the best songs of all times! (don%26#39;t know what year though) Anthing by Duran Duran would be my choice: Rio, Girls on Film, Reflex, Planet Earth - just to name a few search on amazon for 80%26#39;s cds or 90%26#39;s cds and some have tracks you can listen to there or elce try they have cd%26#39; tracks there you can listen to too.. Sorry I can%26#39;t think of particular songs but here are some artists that are pretty good.


The Cranberries

80%26#39;s porn music


backstreet boys is more 90%26#39;s

Alanis Morissette

David Bowie

Sound Garden

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Savage Garden You have to treat these guys very well, because they%26#39;re very valuable. Don%26#39;t just go throwing them into some party or something without knowing what you%26#39;re doing:

Depeche Mode

The Cure (don%26#39;t treat without care)

Smashing Pumpkins

The Payola$

Grapes of Wrath

Sisters of Mercy

Bauhaus (careful!)

Pixies (EVERYone loves the Pixies! C%26#39;mon!)

Help i'm stuck on the sims2 DS, I can't stop lord mole chewing the power lines???? please he


you might can look it up on a website? i have it on PS2. just push the up button or the triangle button, i guess. try this site.

do u watch wildfire? spray him with your super drencher

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Help in a gba game named super mario world 2?

I need help in the special world and the level is awesome i need a little guide if you have a web site that helps me then please post link or you can just help me by telling me as in a quick guide in your own words.

-Thank you-


just get a blue yoshi and 2 feathers. when u can fly and try to get a trampoline in his mouth so u can jump the big pipe. it didnt take me long to beat it. btw how man y dragon coins did u collect? go 2 type in the game title in the search box then scan %26 click the game system then go do 2 where it says best matches and hit the faq there are 8 walkthroughs 2 choose from

good luck :)

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help in diner dash 3 for expert goals?

I can%26#39;t get expert goal on levels 33 or 24 for the extra levels can anyone help???


there is an 8 level rotation in this game, use that to unlock the secrets


Help in Elder Scrolls Oblivion in the arena?

I just slayed my first opponent I went back to the blademaster but there isnt an option to get my reward. I%26#39;ve already been disqualified once. I picked the "Ready for a match" option but he just yells about Im already in a match, and I already killed my opponent! help


Oh that mean your already signed up for another match, so just head back up to the arena and they%26#39;ll throw you in another match.


Sounds like you might have been victim of a glitch, revert to last save if u can, here is jsut a tip, if your in the arena when you first enter you come through a gaate and on either side of teh gate there are two pillars, well if you cross the arena you can jump on one of the pillars of the gate, if you continue jumping you can get out of reach of your enemies, then al you have to cast spells and use arrows. GL!!


ok, i am in trenverse town and just found leon, and the heartless attack! Where do i find the boss? And what does he look like? Please help!!!!!! Thanks


you have to go to the third district

1. head to the second district and go to the lower level

2. there should be a allyway that leads to the third district

if you did it corectly a video will start and you will have donald and goofy in your party

the boss looks like a giant suit of armor and you fight him like this:

1. go for his feet

2. don%26#39;t get over eager and over attack him or else he will somp you

3. use donald and goofy as scapegoats and dont count on them to heal you

Help in XENOSAGA 2?

okay after you beat the game there is a sidequests that you must defeat all the extra boses right? My question is how do you fight Patriarch or margulis over and over again? For Patriarch, I tried to approach the platform and activate it but it didn%26#39;t work.tnk



HELP ME CHOOSE.......Should i buy a wii or an xbox 360 ?


depends what you want it for, if your a hardcore gamer and want a top of the range console with life like graphics go for the xbox, if you want something that is more fun to play than you can possibly imagine go for the wii, a friend of mine just got one, they are fantastic fun, especially on multiplayer and its actually quite a good work out trying to play the thing wii it%26#39;s way more fun to play!!!! You have a lot more options with the Wii! wii is more fun The Wii the wii gives you good exercise, or not... and it is very entertaining i have one Im a die hard Nintendo fan, but I think I would feel silly playing the Wii. Get the X Box. x box 360 trust me. they%26#39;re both pretty cool, but i think a wii is a lot cooler because you can just do so much and get really into the game! haha, also the wii is a little less expensive i think? IS THAT EVEN A QUESTION!!! I have both but i personally like the wii better!!! GET THE Wii xbox 360 dude its more expensive but the grafics for wii suck *** and the games r bad the wii!! i had this dilema too.

the wii is so much more interactive--its totally outside the box of all other video games. its the first hands on type video game

i bought it and love it -it comes with a starter kit! an intro to all the games

it also has a game that allows you to operate on someone, a golf game, a fishing game and a zelda game that lets u use the remote and nun chuck as a sword and shield!!

the xbox is cool--but it just has cool graphics. you%26#39;ll get over that after lik 5 minutes.

help me help me?

well you see... i want to try and buy my friends into thinking im in some sort of secret organisation . i want to make projects where i have to write stuff up so my friends realy think something%26#39;s going on but what about can anyone help me with some ideas?please?


Send official looking letters and emails to yourself(address it as though it wasn%26#39;t from you), and to add more suspense, do the same things, but threaten yourself and your friends. I can refer you to a good psychologist if that helps ? walk around wearing a hat,trench coat and sunglasses, and they might think you are a spy........... or a plonka Leave strange letters from area 51 around the place!! that kinda thing. walk around with one of your trouser legs rolled up and sing a song about a goblin go to toilet when your phone rings and sorta whisper when speaking or just stop being silly lol You could just randomly start diving around the floor, shouting "cover, cover". Then grab some paper and a pen and ask for eveyones name who saw you do it. If your friends ask you what you%26#39;re doing say "It just *needs* to be done".


Just don%26#39;t do anything, chances are your friends already think you%26#39;re weird. You really, REALLY do need to get out more and get a REAL life get MI5 tattooed on your forehead instead of what ever else is written on your head, and then go back to school and learn to spell Shhhh!!! You%26#39;ll give us away just dont talk to them and 1 day say sorry ive been doing stuff well here%26#39;s a good one...stick your head down the loo and flush it then pretend you was in a submarine sad

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Help me in my NFS Underground 2?

I accidentally deleted the file %26#39;speed2.exe%26#39; in "C:%26#92;Program Files%26#92;Need for Speed Underground 2%26#92;." Can somebody send me that file? Pls… I’m begging…


Why don%26#39;t you just re-install it? Or is it a pirated game? (Wait, don%26#39;t tell me, you lost the disc.)

Long Live Jambi go to recycle bin and find it and press restore....

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help me micro media on psp????

i no a wiked website, how do i get the videoes to play on my psp?

sony seaid i need miromedia flash 7 but i cant find it for the psp internet browser


goto the sony website and upgrade the psp to 3.03 and it plays flash.

To upgrade you download updates for the psp first make sure the psp is fully charged and or connected to charger. Then either connect to the internet using your usb cable directly to your pc or find a wifi hotspot. Do not leave update menu until you have activated updates you just downloade

help me out please ?!?

how do i get PICTURES of me and my little sister and stuff to my VIDEO 30gb BLACK ipod ? And how do i get games on here? Games from my PC like crystal maze from wild tangent and stuff like that ? I would ask about video%26#39;s too because the only thing i know how to do is add music but that can wait ! Just tell me how to do games and pictures! THANK YOU! ILL BE SURE TO PICK BEST ANSWER


1. plug your ipod into your PC

2. open itunes and wait for your ipod show under the device section

3. click on the little ipod pic (next to it will be whatever the name of your ipod might be)

4. Go to the photos section at the top

5 click sync photos from

6. if the pictures arent in My Pictures the choose, choose folder, find whatever folder they might be on the at the bottom left click apply


i dont know about the games but email me if u need help with videos.

Help me out with my Decision...?

Ok, I am a college student and I am getting done with my finals. I was thinking about getting myself that PS2 game console... but then I was thinking that it is a useless piece of equipment for me, since I am on a tight budget. But, I want it just for occasional play of games... I know I will probably get tired of it and play it rarely and I don%26#39;t feel like buying 40 games that I will have small time to play with. But, yet it could be entertaining during those boring days when I don%26#39;t have anything else to do.

So, after all of this explanation do you think there is quite enough reason for me to get that PS2?


Personally if i were you i would probably end up bying one as i dont suppose it will be very long before they bring out a PS3, So if/when they do bring the next one out then the price for the PS2 will obviously go down, and have you heard of shops like Cash converters and Cash generators? As they sell all sorts of odds and sods in these shops, although admittadly it is all second hand, but they do check that anything they get in is in good working order and it is all checked, Plus it will be at very good and reasonable prices too. You can get things from Computor games and consoles, mobile phones, dvd%26#39;s, videos and small things like that up to things like Televisions, Stereo%26#39;s, Dvd players, hoovers etc. So even though these shops do sell the goods second hand they do check that they work and that they are not going to go bang when you plug them in and also you will get a 60 day warrenty, So if something does happen to go wrong then you can take it back with no worrys as long as its within these 60days. I no the goods are second hand but if you are on a tight budget and the goods work and there is nothing wrong with them and you get a warrenty etc why not try one of these places? To be honest i go to these two shops quite often as i to live on an extremely tight budget, so if one of my items goes bang or conks out on me or i fancy spoiling myself then because of my budget i go to these types of shops.

Other answers:

HELP me plz thak you!!!!!!!?

How do I put the album pictures on PSP, because on some songs it just says 15 (for the song #) and on some songs the picture of the album is actually there,


i hope this would help!

it is the latest thing around ur lucky.

HELP ME PLZ......I want to get the nintendo wii but...?

gamestop doesnt seem to have any and im so impacient and now the nitendo wii just doesnt seem to matter as much and now i want to but a psp should I? i say its a better deal cuz i can afford that a memory card and a game and a movie for it is it better help me plz...thank you for your time...i appreciate it!


Not sure where some people get their sources but Nintendo made plenty of Wiis, well over 4 million worldwide, They are playing a gam e with people, that game is they hold back shipments to make sure everyone gets the system. They know alot of people will change their mind and the demand for the system will finally die down. I%26#39;d say go for a psp, they are much more portable, and the games are really great. Be patient save money problem solved A Wii is gonna be hard to find, they only made several hundred thousand. A PSP isn%26#39;t as cool, you don%26#39;t control it the same, and its a handheld. Think about what you want the gaming system for. you can probably get a wii on ebay and if your into traveling you shoudl get the PSP instead Good luck finding one. I%26#39;ve been looking as well, and have found that there is such a shortage, that there won%26#39;t be any available til at least February or March. get the psp. that why you would stop worrying. and i hear the wii is not going to be available until March but i don%26#39;t know. unless you rather wait? so just go for the psp. Get a Nintendo DS. It%26#39;s cheaper, and better then the PSP. But I recommend you wait for the Wii, trust me, it%26#39;s so worth it.

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Help me to stream music to an xbox 360?

the problem is no PCs show up on the xbox 360.

my setup

d-link routor

xbox 360 (wired)

main pc with xp (wired) (firewall off)

laptop with xp (wireless) (firewall off)

when i select pc on the 360 music menu it cant find any computers and if i run the test connection it passes all the test till "pc selected - failed"

i have WMP11 (sharing allowed) on both PCs and the 360 shows up in the sharing settings with a green tick so the PCs can see the on the 360 works fine.....and all firewalls have been turned off


Media player 11 is needed so you%26#39;ll need a genuine copy of windows (it verifies it) and media connect...after that fully follow instruction wizard..and your mine done in no time you need to get windows media connect and have an xbox live subscription, i had aloottttt of trouble with this, since it is so sensitive to firewall settings. i think i got lucky in getting mine to work. you need to open certain ports and what not i do a lot of local streaming video radio etc. and vlc is free and well worth trying.

read the reviews.

download .com do you downloaded the windows media connect? is needed!!!

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Help me with my "Chotto Shot Camera" for psp,pleaseeeeee ?

I have a PSP version 3.03 and a Chotto Shot Camera !

How can I combine them to take a picture or record a movie ???

Tell me completely what I have to do,pleaseee ???


Check here -

Help me with my PSP...???

Well im from Mexico and my english its not good, i wanna play PS1 games but i have 3.03 sony%26#39;s version but i wanna put other or downgrade it

If do you speak spanish you can tell me it or PM to agree me if u want


They can downgrade there is not one yet

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Help me! error while installing Flight Simulator X?

An error appeared while installing Flight Sim X right in the start(from first DVD)

error is like this

%26#39;1628:Failed to complete installation%26#39;

my system config:-

AMD Athlon 2600XP+(1.9GHz)

512MB DDR RAM(400MHz)


Nvidia GeForce XFX 6600 AGP(128MB)

Asus X-series motherboard

Logitech Joystick

What might be the reason? i have 20GB free space thats enough for a game which requires 15GB space, also i have only 210MB free space on C:%26#92; drive, its coz of it? or something else, plz tell me i m dying to play this game


Looks like an install shield prob. Seen it happen when the uninstallation log file, if the installation is corrupt. The second causes the first. You can try to detect and end an previously running installation process (IDriver.exe).

clean the temp dir. try installing the app again to see if you still get the same error.

if the above don%26#39;t work repeat the above steps, reinstall Windows Installer Engine, reboot your computer and run your installation. Most proly the issue would get resolved. :) 1. the dvd is lost the data. just go to the store, and ask the new dvd.

2. Are your Pc support dvd Disk???

3. you should use 3.06GHz for better speed, and 1GB of RAM

4.Try Another Game to test your Pc. I think it%26#39;s your low space on the C drive. The install program uses the "%TEMP% variable to find temporary space in which to expand the files. 210mb is likely too little. You will probably run into problems with this program after install because it needs a lot of memory swap space, which defaults to the C drive as well.

Free up some space on the C drive and try again.

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help me.. ds games help!?

i want to play online in my ds. so i have to buy the nintendo wifi connector. i have a budget so should i buy animal crossing or mario kart? and where can i buy it. i live in canada


Order a wifi connector through ebgames. i think they have stores in canada. if not then order it online.

my mario kart. i like to play animal crossing by myself cause people steal my stuff or ruin my home.

Other answers:

HELP ME.........when i try to turn on my psp only a little green lite flashes.....?

Whats wrong with it and it also has the buttons messed up how do i fix them they are the control panel buttons which are messed up like if i try to go somewhere it goes the totally different direction...and about it not turning on how can i fix it or how can i get a new one for free or cheap charge like on customer service...THANX!


Its a bad batch some of them where made too quickly and it screwed them up. Was the PSP new? Well that doesn%26#39;t mater if your insurance is still active. Just get the papers from the box or were ever you bought it from and then call the costumer service. If you open you can cancel your insurance. Because technically you messed it up and it should say not to open or try to repaire it on your own. So yes you can get a new one. And if you don%26#39;t have a costumer service number go one It maybe on but in the hold status. push power switch up to clear hold status, or slide button until system is completely turned off. charge it, disconnect charger then turn on.

Or pull out memory card and try turning on.

or replace the battery or let idie and give it a full charge,

Make sure you turn the system totally off, don%26#39;t touch buttons or move anything until it is fully on the, they might need to recalibrate themselves.

If you dropped it the Lcd might be broken.

Also psp 1st generation release had problems with dead pixels but that usually only affected small portions of the screen. If under warranty take it in. I would call sony and if they said they will fix it for free! get that done if not just get a brand new one from Ebay for like $100

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help my desperate housewives game won't install?

I just brought this game Desperate Housewives and it install the first dis but not the second dis and it pass all the requirements HELP


There is this thing where you can see all these different icons, and then you click on the setup one, and it will ask you if you want to install all the requirements and then say yes! Hope that helps, my brother helped me with mine, so I didn%26#39;t do it, but I sorta watched. read the thingy its like blue or purple or something its a box and it should say pass or fail mine failed on the video card requirements

:[ but my computer is getting fixed as we speak!

so urs may b something different but most ppls problems were the same as mine so call ur computer repair shop and explain to them whats the problem hope this helps!!

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Help needed on the PS3?

If you have a PS3 does this ever happen

You are playing a game and then it just go standby and the power indicator starts to blink red and it hapens again and again

Can someone explain what happen and how can I fix it


That sounds like a faulty unit if ever i heard of one. Even if you were accidentally holding down your PS button, it would still ask you to confirm your options. Unless you%26#39;ve got a ghost or extremely focused air pressure focused on your power button, I%26#39;d say you are very unlucky. This is the first actual case of PS3 hardware failure I%26#39;ve heard of to date.

One possibility--you may be having interrupted power. Check your power source, and try plugging into another outlet. If that fails, replace your power supply cord with another standard cable (PC PS for example), and try again. It seems very fishy that it would power on and play at all. It is possible that the air flow is being impeded... causing your hardware to overheat. Make sure your PS3 is given proper air flow (set up a fan?) and make sure you can hear your fan running at all times! I know mine does!

Sony states that you should NOT take it back to the place of purchase. You must take up the warranty with them--Best of luck!! not a clue my friend lol! it doesnt come out here til mid march grrr lol

but im assuming that it shouldnt do that if new That doesn%26#39;t happen to my PS3, if you bought the warranty, I recommend using it.

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Friday, October 2, 2009

have uuuuuuu played either sims1,sims bustin out,sims2,urbz-sims in the city.?

ive played all!


I%26#39;ve played sims 1 on computer. Good tutorials! I have all the sims, plus sims 2. Great game but very big package for computers. And which is unfare to people who can only have $200 computers and not a big graphics or memory cards. like me for instance I have the 9 gb computer and sims takes up 7gb. Which leaves me with 2gb for other things. And my computer playing the sims2 is now super slow. I don%26#39;t have the money to buy a bigger computer to fix the problem. I also have the Urbz for playstation 2. That is a great game, for people who likes challanges. It%26#39;s alot of fun too!

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Have Video Games Gone TOO Far?


YES!! My boyfriend is always playing his PS2, but I have to admit I do like Super Mario Bros. on Nintendo DS lite =]

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have you any of the original xboxes--xbox s-pad consoles?

This is a black box with a green x on top


Check out this site for all your electronic needs for a cheap price!!!

It even sells Playstation 3 and a real Volce and Gabbana Rzr V3!!!! There should be a few on ebay, but check seller feedback first. dadasapom

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Have you ever bought something and then switched the product for return?

Esp for online retailers. For ex. You bought a 250 dollar video card from and then you switched it with a 20 dollar video card and returned it. Has anyone ever done this? You think you will be able to get away?


Here%26#39;s something else to think about:

If you are caught, (and I think that%26#39;s likely), you would be charged with a more serious crime than simple shoplifting. You would be in the federal category of Internet fraud, and possibly postal fraud.

Stealing is wrong, no matter how you attempt it. Hehe, I%26#39;d never thought of that.

Thanks for the idea! no That is dishonest. By doing things like that, you drive up the prices for the next person who comes along. Shame on you for even suggesting it. yes i have thought of it but it is called scamming and it is a felony no

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Have you ever gone to mexico?

did you like mexico?


YEEEEEAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!! No cobo :) Yes, twice.

Not really. let me say you

I LIVE IN MEXICO!"!!!!!!!!! yes very nice. it depends on your age and ethnicity if you%26#39;ll like it. No. Do not intend to, either. been there , parts are nice and parts are crap. food is good . drinks are better. no, I%26#39;m not sure i want to go. I%26#39;ve heard the water is dirty and you can get kidnaped. it%26#39;s too bad america doesn%26#39;t own mexico so the ppl there could have a more civilized life. Went to Acapulco - nice town...Nice ocean... Nope, got close though. Yes i have and i really liked it.

and to EVILIVE you are MEAN!!!! Yes, I liked it very much. Went to Cancun also to the Yucatan Peninsula to see the Mayan ruins. Yes, several times. Hermosillo, Keno (sp) Bay , Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta, Nogales. Beautiful country and wonderful people that I%26#39;ve met. The culture is great, plenty of activities to participate in. Don%26#39;t get caught up in the touristy things. Explore the country and ask questions. Learn some of the basic language. Nope and I don%26#39;t have a desire to, either. Why go there when they%26#39;re all here? Actually, I%26#39;ve never had a desrie to go there. I%26#39;ve heard the food is horrible, at least in Cancun.

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Have you ever played animal crossing for the gamecube version?How do you think the makers could impr

I just want to get some ideas for it.


yeah but its the same as the Ds version.. Nintendo game cube sucks so does the nintendo wii. no a huge selection for the two. If you where a kid its a huge selection.

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Have you guyz heard of the new iGames from the creators of the ipod video and ipod nano?

Sup evry1 have you guyz ever heard of the iGames from apple they made a iGame witch is a device thats a inch bigger than the ipod video you can download the games all for free and like the previose ipods you can download videos, music and now Video Games. It has Hi Def graphics and you can play Call Of Duty 2 and 3. The other good thing to that they feature ALOT of game titles all for free so without the hasle of hooking your USB connection to your pc all you do is go to the iGames section and get them all for free right there on the iGames. see photos of it at yahoo images


u know this is fake right completely fake

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Have you had a bad experience with your XBOX 360?

I posted a similar question earlier and I was amazed at what people had to say. Customer service is horrible. How has your experience been? There is power in numbers. I would love to log multiple experiences and send them to microsoft. (I don%26#39;t want your names simply your experiences)

What was your experience?

Thank you so much!


I%26#39;ve got a pretty good story. I bought a *brand new* 360 from Best Buy in November. When I got it home, I noticed some scuffs and dings on the surface and the hard drive, and some hand grease on the controller. I started up the unit and put in Gears of War. The system immediately froze up and flashed three red lights on the circle. I called MS tech support and spent an hour and a half on hold. Finally I talked to man who intorduced himself as Akmed and spoke poor English. His suggestion was to restart the unit an try again. I told him that I had. He suggested making sure the date and time were correct. I hung up, packed it all back up and returned the bundle to Best Buy. They were very gracious and said that it had been happening to about a third of the systems they%26#39;ve sold. They gave me another unit and said to just bring it back to them if I had any more problems, because MS tech support is spotty. I opened the new unit up. No scratches or grease, and it%26#39;s worked fine. My suspicion is that MS had refurbed an old unit and repackaged it as *new* to meet the demand caused by the launch of the PS3 and Wii. How crappy is that? yes, my little brother smashed it with a hammer when he was mad at me for not keeping a BIG promise, but considering i got a Wii after he smashed my Xbox 360, it was overall a good experience My Xbox 360 has been amazing. Nothing has happened with it. I have never had to call any customer service. Xbox 360%26#39;s are the best. i found it to be good so far there customer service is terrible when my 360 overheated I called up and got it fixed with a new heating fan. It was $22 shipping that they never reimbursed me for and it took the 2 and a half months to get it fixed. My problem is with the disk drive i think. It creates a large buzzing noise when reading games and dvds only to stop and display either %26#39;Unplayerble Disk%26#39; or %26#39;Please play this disk with an xbox 360 console%26#39;. I was very frustrated so i phoned microsoft support and was told that if it had a problem with dvd playback then thats my problem, saying that it was a games console.

Have you had problems with nintendo wii?

Would you advice a person to get one?


no, i love my wii! and yes i would tell people to get one.

the only problems that i%26#39;v heard of the the ones were people get "TOO INTO" the game and start flailing their arm and accidentally let go of the wii remote. but i think thats there fault. so if your thinking about buying a wii, i%26#39;d say go for it. I think wii is great because it%26#39;s the first step to virtual reality but be careful not to injure anyone or destroy anything.

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Have you heard they are making a Xbox handheld?

I heard rumors and saw in a magazine that Microsoft is gonna make a Xbox handheld i think it will be called a Xbox 180 i seen this beuty but i%26#39;ve seen differant pictures of it to who nows how Microsoft will make it or WILL THEY EVER MAKE IT!!!


Started as a rumor 2 years into the Xbox%26#39;s lifespan.

Rumor was backed up by pictures later revealled to be a basement-dwelling hacker who took apart a Controller-S and remodelled it.

Prior to Xbox 360%26#39;s launch, rumor resurfaced.

Microsoft DID confirm to the Associated Press after E3 %26#39;05 that they were thinking about a handheld Xbox.

Handheld Xbox was later confirmed to be a handheld PC tablet running Windows Vista to be released in 2006-2007. It was believed to be a portable Xbox because the tablet was shown running the PC copy of Halo.

So yes, Microsoft had a hand in a handheld. But no, it is not a handheld Xbox. I doubt it will ever come to fruition. what web site did u go to

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Have you played the Wii game, Rapala Tournament Fishing?

I have a 6 year old that LOVES to fish and anything to do with it. We recently got a wii and I was wondering if anyone had played that game. Can a 6 year old play it? Is it fun?


its a decent game. its nothing too special. yeas you do have to pull the remote and reel with the numchuck.for a 6 year old i thing they will enjoy it. and i think that game is cheaper than newer games so i say go for it. here%26#39;s a link on ebay where you can read reviews of the game by ebay members well its pretty much the same as fishing ive seen fishing games on it i have wii.... on the back of the game is the rating is "E" pretty much should be enough to let you know that she can play as a safe game and for a young child!!!

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Having problem getting into Halo 2 multi-player matches on xbox live?

I have a 360 with a wireless network adaptor and a 12 month xbox live subscription gold. I%26#39;m logged in and everything, but it is just that I can find any matches or a single person in the game. Am I missing something because I just want to get in the game and play some halo.


It%26#39;s not your Xbox, it%26#39;s was Xbox live. Xbox Live was having technical difficulties last night. Xbox Live should work fine now. Go to the download menu and make sure you have the latest patches and or updates.

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HAY i need help with my PSP please?

Is there any way to connect 2 PSP together so they can chat with out an internet connection? I have 2 PSP and you need to go step by step in your instructions.


Sorry to say but you can%26#39;t even chat on a PSP. The Web browser is designed to download music and pictures. There is no PC format on the PSP. maybe in the next update 3.00

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HD cables for the regular Xbox?

Is there any difference in between the regular cables and the Hd cables when hooking up the xbox to an HD tv, does the picture look any better?


It looks a little better if you use the component cables because you%26#39;re going from 480i to 480p.

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