Friday, October 2, 2009

Have you played the Wii game, Rapala Tournament Fishing?

I have a 6 year old that LOVES to fish and anything to do with it. We recently got a wii and I was wondering if anyone had played that game. Can a 6 year old play it? Is it fun?


its a decent game. its nothing too special. yeas you do have to pull the remote and reel with the numchuck.for a 6 year old i thing they will enjoy it. and i think that game is cheaper than newer games so i say go for it. here%26#39;s a link on ebay where you can read reviews of the game by ebay members well its pretty much the same as fishing ive seen fishing games on it i have wii.... on the back of the game is the rating is "E" pretty much should be enough to let you know that she can play as a safe game and for a young child!!!

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