Friday, October 2, 2009

Have you heard they are making a Xbox handheld?

I heard rumors and saw in a magazine that Microsoft is gonna make a Xbox handheld i think it will be called a Xbox 180 i seen this beuty but i%26#39;ve seen differant pictures of it to who nows how Microsoft will make it or WILL THEY EVER MAKE IT!!!


Started as a rumor 2 years into the Xbox%26#39;s lifespan.

Rumor was backed up by pictures later revealled to be a basement-dwelling hacker who took apart a Controller-S and remodelled it.

Prior to Xbox 360%26#39;s launch, rumor resurfaced.

Microsoft DID confirm to the Associated Press after E3 %26#39;05 that they were thinking about a handheld Xbox.

Handheld Xbox was later confirmed to be a handheld PC tablet running Windows Vista to be released in 2006-2007. It was believed to be a portable Xbox because the tablet was shown running the PC copy of Halo.

So yes, Microsoft had a hand in a handheld. But no, it is not a handheld Xbox. I doubt it will ever come to fruition. what web site did u go to

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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