Sunday, June 20, 2010

From where can I download videos of planes crash landing and.......?.......?

I need a site from where i can download videos of planes crash landing and crashing and making accidents in the air and on ground and...........


I hope you mean crashes carried out in tests, not ones where people lost their lives. Go on google video or youtube, there is sure to be some crash test footage.

From Where Can I Download The Game "VICE CITY"?


it is not possible to download vice city but you could buy a pc disk for it. or you can buy that game from me for 15 dollars just call me at 928 660 179 and by the way i live in america

From where could I buy a Sony Playstation in Delhi,India.?

I don%26#39;t want to buy it online so plz don%26#39;t say ebay or anything like that. Please let me know the address or contact info of a shop.


Check with their main office, they must know: i live in delhi only and my younger brother ask my father to buy here it is my father buy it from TOY FORT it is wonderfull and entertaning

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

from where i can download free full version games pls l,et me konw?


you can try

you will have all the latest games over there.

alternately you can try torrents it is also good

but it is only advisible for popular games and latest ones.

also p2p networks are also good.

if you dont like any of these go to the market you get dvd%26#39;s for cheap

like 100Rs. per DVD YAHOO GAMES If you have a torrent downloader, u can visit any torrent site. The search/type the name of the game you want to download. After you found it, you can download the game straight-away.

But first you must have a torrent downloader. Example of torrent downloader, Utorrent. any full game for free

way to download is writtn below the search box on homepage

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

from where i can get free full version of nfs carbon?


Well i just say buy it from a shop. Its a great game hmmmmmmm what is it??

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

from where i can get free full version of nfs carbon?


Google Search is your best friend for ROMS. Its kinda shady to download them though. I wouldnt recomend you doing so. I dont know of anywhere but I can guarentee you that if you wait one year this game will go down to 20 bucks!!!

use to get links and then download for free!! Try Limewire or

or any of the other torrent sites. I don%26#39;t think there is usually a full version available for http or ftp downloads

But you need to be or become a member of Orkut and this community.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

Fun Zelda Question, Please Answer.?

Create an Item.

This is just for fun. Lets say that Nintendo told you to come up with a new item (ex. clawshot, hero bow, ect.) for the next Legend of Zelda game. describe what this item does, and how to use it. The item has to be one link has to find in a Temple, so be creative, but realistic.

[example: (music from when link opens chest) You Got the ____! Set it to x or y and...] Ok you get the point.

Best Answer gets 13 points (2 for answering, 10 for best answer, and 1 for me giving thumbs up)


Harp of Tremors

The harp of tremors is made out of a rare mineral only found in hyrule, even the magical strings feel as though the could be made out of this mineral.

You got the Harp of Tremors =) the item causes tremors, stuns the enemy, and can knock stuff down from hard to reach places be careful this item will consume magic set it to x or y so link can shake things up a little The invisibility potion.

Makes you invisible to enemy until you are hit or struck.

Washes off in the water. Use only when in complete health.

Set it to any button An ancient orb, the exterior covered with bright white diamonds on one side and deep dark rubies on the other. When link retreives it says "gotta catch em all"

When link throws it it opens and a little monster pops out and eats the opponent.

Sorry flashback to "Super Smash Brothers" You know where link, mario, pikachu, all got together to fight. The Shining Phoenix Blade. It is the most powerful weapon Link can wield. The message Link gets when finding this all powerful sword is "This is the Shining Phoenix Blade, a sword crafted from the tail feather of the great phoenix. With a single stroke of this mighty blade you can destroy all opponents in the area. In addition this weapon is the key to the great temple of fire. Be warned this weapon is extremely powerful and drains your magic"