Friday, June 18, 2010

Guitar Hero 2. Should I buy it, What is so cool about it?


Yes, you should. The game has a lot of songs. Genres are Rock and Roll, Heavy Metal, and Country music. The cool thing are the songs. You can not belive how many there are. Over 55 songs are included, from John The Fisherman, Sweet Child O%26#39; Mine, and Strutter. And you can do any difficulty, from Easy, to the insanely hard Expert. But still buy it! It is deep, and I hear it is being nominated in G4%26#39;s Best Game Of The Year! Yes, it%26#39;s that good. Yes. It%26#39;s fun. Isn%26#39;t that all that%26#39;s important.

You can rock along while you%26#39;re strumming your axe. hey good name . anyways ya i have it its great new songs and everything it is pretty sweet yes you should buy the game. the cool thing is that u can shread during yur favorite songs with a wicked awesome gituar controller yes you should. its awesome! you can do songs while holding down buttons on tht guitar controller. its rly fun 2 play with friends.

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