Okay everyone, what do you like better, Halo/Halo2 or Gears of War? We%26#39;re talking multi-player here. On multi-player maps/gameplay what do you like better? Why?
Aww, don%26#39;t make me choose!
There are pros and cons to both really. On Gears of War, the maps are far to small.. and I don%26#39;t enjoy the fact that I%26#39;m limited to a party of four.. I also had to adjust to the whole third-person shooter thing. (I%26#39;m such a first-person brat..)
However, the Graphics in GOW are pretty breathtaking.. and overall it%26#39;s a fun game to play in the dark, lol.
With regards to Halo: gosh.. I%26#39;ve been playing Halo for so long, I suppose there is SOME bias going on.. But it%26#39;s an awesome game! And my only real gripe has nothing to do with the game itself, but the people (modders/de-levelers) who play it.. and sometimes the lag can be a little unbearable.. but what can you do..
I guess I vote Halo: the maps accommodate the size of the parties I prefer to have, and I haven%26#39;t yet mastered how to successfully stick someone in GOW like I can in Halo.. ;) Battlefield 2!!!! Gears...because its beyond the whole FPS player system. Its a fairly new look for a shooter game. I love the actually gameplay. The whole tactical look at it. Its a great game. Beats Halo like a red headed step child...lol. neither
save your money and get halo 3!!! gears of war GEARS OF WAR. How could even you compare. Its tough to say. I loved halo 2 when it came out and played every day but im the same way with gears so i wish they came out at the same time so i could compare them. Right now i would have to say gears because i am bored of halo 2. Halo 2 has better multi-player. There are more settings and the multi-player is more fun in Halo 2. This is backed up by the fact that more people play Halo 2 online than those who play GoW online. Gears of War has a WAY better campaign mode but halo 2 has a better multiplayer thing depends wut u like better
Singleplayer/gearsofwar multiplayer/halo2 I would have to say Halo 2 has better on line play because of the greater numbers of players you can have on a team and the variety of game types.
But Gears of War has the better Campaign because of on-line Co-op which is freaking awesome. Gears all the way. Compare the environments, and chainsaw vs. energy sword.
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