Friday, June 18, 2010

Guild Wars - Prophecies & Factions/Nightfall (guildwars), cd-keys?

I have prohecies already, but im intending to get an add-on (sorta expansion). my friend wants to sell me his factions. he has an account attached to the cd key.

now, my question is:

1.) Will I be able to add his access key to my prophecies account?

2.) If so, can I play his characters?



If he has activated the account (played Factions at all), you won%26#39;t be able to link it to your account. You can get his login info and play his characters in the Factions campaign, but you can%26#39;t link two activated accounts together.

In fact, if you buy Factions or Nightfall, after the initial install of the new game, it asks you if you want to link the new game to your current account. This is your only chance to do so. Either they are linked, or they are stand-alone (basically, once they are linked, they are permanently linked, and if you keep them separate, they are permanently separate).

Hope that helps.

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