i just sold my PSP to gamestop a day ago , it only costs $70 ~ but now ...i really want to get my psp back ? do anyone know will they give the psp back to me . i still have the recipe ~~ please =_=%26#39;
Unfortunately, they will not void out the transaction and give you back your PSP. If you went back a couple of hours after you traded it in, they may have done it, but that%26#39;s water under the bridge at this point. The next time you want to trade something in, you may want to consider eBay and get alot more money. if you still have the recipe just follow the directions and make a new one.
Seriously, they don%26#39;t have a policy that allows you to get back something you sold to them because there is no guarantee they haven%26#39;t sold it already and even if they haven%26#39;t they probably have done work on it. No doubt they will be happy to sell you a used PSP but probably for more than they paid you and not necessarily the same one.
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