Sunday, June 20, 2010

GameShark problem?

I just bought a GameShark, and then, i put my game in, turn the switch on plug it to my GBA and tuned on. i look3ed for pokemon emberland and them pressed A, It just started glowing red... i waited like 13 seconds, them my brother sayid to press start, i did, and i said that an error had ocured that there where a lot of codes and some of them would not be activated. then I put it down and then pokemon song started but it looked and sounded all glitchy and pixeled, I tun my GBA off. then I turn it on again with the GameShark but now only a white screen shows, thas everithing that hapens when I use it.... suggestions on what hapened or what should I do?

also if i return It would they give me all my money back, or parcial refund?


Just For your information, Game Sharks really screw up your game, memory card, and system. I use to have one, enabled the cheats for my game, and it screwed it. I can%26#39;t save, spend, or go to options. My game shark can%26#39;t even disable the cheats. Sorry man. I don%26#39;t trust a shark with my precious Pokemon game, if I were to shark it I would buy a new game that I don%26#39;t care if the game gets deleted or not, and trade the sharked pokemon to your precious game so it won%26#39;t screw it up.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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