Sunday, June 20, 2010

Give me ONE good reason why I should buy a Wii....maybe two.?

My husband wants to buy one, I%26#39;m on the fence with this one.


1. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

2. Metroid Prime 3

3. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

4. Mario Galaxy

5. Wii Sports

6. Wii play

7. Duck Hunt

The whole selling point of the Wii is that it%26#39;s more fun to play with someone, and that%26#39;s really true, especially with Wii Sports. Did you see Conan and Serena Williams playing tennis together on Wii sports. Even though they%26#39;re completely different, did you see how much fun they were having. Well, that%26#39;s what makes the Wii so great. It gets people to play together. I own a Xbox 360 and a Wii, I got to say the Wii is the most innovative system out. Yeah the Xbox 360 and PS3 are better in terms of graphics, power, and capabilities (Internet, DVD, etc..) the Wii is just flat-out fun to play. Unless you don%26#39;t own a DVD player, in that case go with the Xbox 360, you can%26#39;t go wrong with the Wii. Because the Wii will turn you into a gamer.

My wife is playing videogames for first time in her life because of Wii%26#39;s innovative gameplay.

Then...if you have a chance to find a new way to spend some fun time with your husband....why don%26#39;t give it a try? Will you be playing with your husband%26#39;s Wii?

or is it just for him. if ur husband is a hardcore gamer then he will hate it. if he like little geek games like zelda he%26#39;ll love it. id get a 360 instead the wii is just madd fun to play.

if you want check out this site to see where in your area u can find the wii. Shouldn%26#39;t your husband be the one to provide you with one good reason go buy one?

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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