Sunday, June 20, 2010

Give me some advice for PSP if you do have one...?

Umm I was wondering about sony locationfree player pak because I%26#39;m buying that with a PSP for my B-Day....

So here%26#39;s the question... How far can sony locationfree player pak go for a trip? ( I mean like watch TV on PSP on the way from my house to my school...) My house is like 2 miles away from the school....

So please help...( Answer it seriously please )


Its true, it does sux because you have to have a wifi connection (i.e hotspot) in order for it to work and ridin to school, I doubt you%26#39;ll have one. I also doubt they%26#39;ll make a homebrew for it. I heard about 10 miles or 10 blocks. relly location free sucks you should wait for a homebrew solution

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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