How do i get out of the back of the house without dying?
if you are talking about the part where the two boomers show up and then you only have so many seconds to reach the helicopter, then this is what I do.
Once you start hitting the boomers, more troops show up behind them. Kill the other troops first, because when you kill the second boomer, the timer will start.
I think a third boomer will also show up toward the back after the timer is going. I never had enough time to kill it, just run past it and the emergence hole in the courtyard. if you get close enough to the chopper, the cut scene will start and you will pass this part.
this part is difficult because you are forced to run from cover to the chopper during the firefight. you might want to specify a bit more on where you%26#39;re at. my suggestion though, stay undercover and dont stick out unless you really need to. just keep getting active reloads as well and you%26#39;ll be all good. try to use the magnum or shotgun in the close quarters and save ammo for the lancer.
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