Friday, June 18, 2010

Good wii games?

What are some good Wii games?

I already have: the zelda one whatever its called, wario ware, wii sports (duh), %26 red steel.

I really like wario ware though, are there any other wii games out there that are random but fun like that?


rayman raving rabbids, i think dats how u spell it. i got it 1 week ago,cant put it down. those little rabbids are hillarious. PS3 because its the only true hd gaming system out with HDMI and 1920x1080p games.

EA developers have only unlocked 20 percent of its power,Blu-ray has won( more companys signed on also holds more data in games meaning bigger levels better graphics more GAMEPLAY, also wi-fi plays like a dream

and for the wii fans ps3 has the same ability to steer ,balance,melee,ect with the controller sensing ...also i have had one since dec 6 2006 and never once froze or overheated like the xbox360 did at its launch You might like Rayman Raving Rabbids. Monkey Ball is really sweet for Wii. wii play is coming out on 2/13/07 and its similar to wii sports in the fact that it has like 9 different little games in it if you go to then you can find wii shipment info like where you can find em and how many wiis stors should be getting.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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