Friday, June 18, 2010

Guitaur Hero...?

Anybody play it?..To me it looks extremely hard to have to remember the order of the colors and do the whole wammy thing. it just looks complicated. but i want to get it and become good at it. should i?


It%26#39;s not that complicated because the buttons appear on the screen in relation to where it is on the guitar. It%26#39;s not that difficult. For me, I use my pointing finger for the first 2 buttons, and the rest of the 3 fingers for the other 3 buttons.

If you%26#39;re new to the game, play the easy level and get accustomed to the button layouts. As you get better, you can switch to the harder difficulties. get Guitar hero 2!!!!! its really fun it takes lot of practice just start easy then medium then hard then expert thats how i roll. within 1 week i will post a vid. of me playing guitar hero so u can see how good u can get/ will teach how to play it will be on just search the name "gutar herow 2 tutoring vid."

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