Sunday, June 20, 2010

Gears of War Multiplayer?

does anyone know if the development team plans on releasing an update to inprove the OFFLINE multiplayer. 1 on 1 is just plain stupid and very boring. It seems they missed the boat by not having a 4-way deathmatch type game allowing a free-for-all or custom teams.

Doesn%26#39;t anyone remember the amount of time they spent with their friends playing Golden Eye, Duke Nukem, or even Halo type death matches and how much fun they were.

Some people, including myself, simply hate playing online. It is just more fun to get a group of friends togeher in front of a big screen tv and fight it out.

seems like something that should have been included, but I guess you wouldn%26#39;t be forced to pay for live then.


cliffy b said the game will be getting updates from Xbox live so keep checking and hope that the multiplayer is one of them System link. The recent update did not change anything of that nature. I%26#39;d much rather play on-line with my friends. Split screen sucks, even on my 50 inch HDTV. Live is only $50 a year, not a big deal at all. Any teen working at McDonalds could afford that.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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