Sunday, June 20, 2010

Gaming.. a good thing?

I have been gaming alot... i mean 24/7 --%26#39;%26#39; how can i change my lifestyle to be more normal? Any sugesstion? Thnx~



get some sun, some exercise.

regular sleep patterns, too.

Take it from a gamer - dark circles, pale skin and NO energy won%26#39;t help you in the gaming OR real world. stop maybe go outside when its daylight for starters? Pick up a hobby, gym, join a club, read, volunteering, etc.

There are loads of other things to do! Without gaming I would just be another chick.

I love the title of "Gamer chick". Gaming is great! It%26#39;s so much fun and is good for group gaming or single gaming.

Email me, I wanna know what sorts of games you like. Perhaps we can be friends. By gaming do you mean Video Gaming, or Dungeons and Dragons Gaming?

I don%26#39;t know why I%26#39;m asking, because both are completely normal and sane activities. As long as you are not neglecting school/work/family, there is nothing wrong with Gaming. question is "do you want to change?" my boyfriend was a huge gamer.. he brought his laptop to the hospital while i was in labor. good thing i had a back up coach with me to help me during the delivery.

you must be single.. no kids. haha, sorry. get a job Try a digicam %26 Photoshop. Grab a chunk of wood and a knife and carve the creatures you fight as. Find funny things in life and put together some of you own jokes. Use your gaming knowledge to invent something useful in the RL, or the gaming community.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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