Friday, June 18, 2010

Good PSP games out there?

What good PSP games do you reckon are worth buying??

Is World Rally Championship any good??


2006 saw a lot of great games for the PSP.

I recommend Thrillville out of all because of the great variety and high replay value. Everything is yours to control. Think of it as Sim Theme Park, Ultimate Ride, Rollercoaster Tycoon, The Sims, with bits of DDR, Doom/Halo, and Mario in it. Rated E10.

It costs $40 USD but it is worth every penny! WORK TIME FUN! aka WTF i just bought a psp over thanksgiving.. my favorites hands down:


Me %26 My Katamari

Lego Starwars

games are expensive tho :( Well my two boys love Daxter, GTA, Star Wars Deadly Alliance, anything racing looks good GTA is the best PSP game out today until the playstation 3 games come out heres a list of my favourites (props to bit torrent and Dark Alex).

Ace combat X, skies of deception

Ridge Racer

Medal of Honour

Socom Navy Seals


GTA Vice City Stories.

Those are the games that have got me hooked for the longest and are all brilliant. I%26#39;m pretty sure WRC was the first game to be released on the psp and is ok but not as good as Ridge Racer. I got Lumines II for my brother for Christmas, I haven%26#39;t left it down yet, it%26#39;s what the PSP was built for, it%26#39;s got a kicking soundtrack and is highly addictive, It%26#39;s like tetris on you in...

you can watch the trailer, on

just click preview..

Without a doubt an essential title to have in the bag.... hay i sell you 3 psp for 50 pounds: Tekken, The Godfather and starwars! write me an email i you want to LocoRoco, GTA: Vice City Stories, Lumines, Tekken: Dark Resurrection, Ridge Racer. Metal Gear is my favorite.

you can get it at I hope this helps .

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