Friday, June 18, 2010

Good PSP Games?

I want to know some good PSP games? I know Madden and sports games are good. I%26#39;m looking for something adventure like?


if you like a lot of action(fast cars, police chases, Machine guns and deadly weapons, and dont forget the helicopter rides) Then try Pursuit Force. Also this game may seem old, but it is still a lot of fun:midnight club 3 dub edition, you can customize just about anything cars, trucks and SUV%26#39;s, choppers, and speed bikes.

If this suits your fancy then choose me for best answer award(im new and need the points) Medal of Honor: Hereos all the GTA (Grand Theft Auto) games are good!!!

I have GTA Liberty Stories and still havent beat it but if you liked the PS2 GTA games then you will like these too. i dont know any other good games... Need for Speed and Grand Theft Auto Metal Gear Solid portal ops is realy good. Metal gear Solid is my favorite.

Nba Live 07 is another good one.

Psp blender has lots of good games to view here

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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