all these games our for either the wii or ps3 or 360, whick one is better?
In my opinion, Gears of War and Resistance of Man are just souped up, normal games that have been out forever. Zelda for the Wii is really different and fun. It is NOT the Zelda everyone is used to playing, it is much more dark and challenging. ZELDO FOR Wii!!!!! ITS KICKS @$$!!! really hard though it suggest a stratagy book gears of war is a lot of fun. there are many people playing live online. You can%26#39;t compare the Wii against great systems like the 360, it%26#39;s insulting to the 360.
Gears of War is the best game out on the market. This is a simple fact that cannot be argued against. There is and never has been anything on the market like it before now. To say so shows immense ignorance in gaming.
Resistance of Man is a cheap knock off of Gears of War. But still is 200 times better then anything the Wii has to offer.
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