Okay i just picked up golden sun 1 and 2 again after not playing them in about 2 years and forgot how to do this i know how to get the code from the first but i havent picked up the second one to play it yet when do i input that code? and how
when you start the second one, there%26#39;s an option after you tell the game your name (in new game) - you don%26#39;t have to do anything special
it directly comes out and asks if you want to transfer data from golden sun Oh I miss that game. I only have #2 so I cheated and used a code of the internet. =p The code you received from the first Golden Sun game can be accessed from your clear data through the title screen. Hold R + Left then press Start. Select "Send" and press the A button to bring up the file selection screen. From there you can select the file to send, and the method of the transfer. I recommend you use the game link transfer method if you have at least 2 compatible Game Boy systems (which are Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Advance SP, and Game Boy Player) and the GBA Link Cable. If you do not have the systems necessary you will have to go through the annoying process of entering the long combination code to access your Golden Sun Data. Remember the level of the code you request determines how much data you recover into the new game.
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