Friday, June 18, 2010

halo 2 for PSP?

i read that there might be halo 2 for PSP or some people are hacking it onto PSP? True or False? and if true how can you get it?


I doubt it very much. First of all Halo is one of xbox%26#39;s flagship games so they aren%26#39;t just going to give the rights away to their largest competitor. Plus its a full sized console game which i really doubt could be made to run on a portable like the PSP. If anything its a cheesy emulation that wont be anything close to what%26#39;d you get with a legit copy on an xbox. False. There are no plans for Halo to be released on the PSP. IMPOSSIBLE.

Halo is a microsoft franchise.

If PSP got it it would be stupid either way.

Good Question: Why doesnt the PSP have rumble? I don%26#39;t know! False, because halo is the killer ap that the xbox needed and cashed in on. It would make no sense for microsoft to allow its main competitor to sells its most infamous game. you would not be able to hack it on to a psp for various reasons Mega false. That game was made just for microsoft(xbox). but at least sonny has grand theft auto. doubt it People as stupid as you make me mad NEVER Halo is a MICROSOFT game not SONY

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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