Sunday, June 20, 2010

gears of war question?

how do you kill the corpser underground ?


Shoot its underbelly (the part that%26#39;s not armored) or the soft part of his chin area. It should sound like you are shooting water. Eventually it%26#39;ll back up (this will happen several times)... When it backs up enough, you%26#39;ll get a look symbol at some smashable stuff. you can shoot then or wack them.. Either way works, but shooting them is safer... When you shoot them correctly, they%26#39;ll pop up.. When both pop up, the Corpser will fall into the imulsion... There will be help, otherwise the eyes and in the belly of it shall kill it shoot it on the lower body and when its legs go up shoot it on the lower jaw..that%26#39;s its will keep backing up until it gets to the bridge when it does...shoot the hinges on the bridge there are two keep shoot them until they pop unlocks then it will fall into the lava.....

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