Friday, June 18, 2010

Had xbox 360 online for months,now it won't access internet.Verified internet working ok. Any id

Internet working fine. My brother%26#39;s 360 gets online no problem. Used my hard drive on his 360 -- goes online perfectly. Unplugged router -replugged. Did all the usual easy stuff. No luck. Anybody got any ideas?


Did you try a new cable?

Also check the network settings on the system blade and run a test to see where the connection is failing.

That should help considerably. Check out this site!

It sells all kinds of electronics for a low price!

It even sells Playstation 3!!!!! if you%26#39;re thinking of buying an Xbox 360 you should out this site first. they give you an xbox 360 for FREE! all you need to do is complete a few quick tasks for them.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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