Friday, June 18, 2010

halo 2 help?

i saw on a commercial of halo 2 there was the master chief or an alien on the levels zanzibar,burial mounds etc. well how can i get it so i can have alien teammates on vs mode of halo while playing by myself on those levels,please help!!!


you can%26#39;t clone unless you mod your xbox, but since you don%26#39;t know how to get the covanent you most likely can%26#39;t mod. the commericial was most likely made by people who system linked their xbox%26#39;s or were together in a party on xblive. you can change your apperance to a covanant elite by going to setting then change apperance to that. You probably knew that though... Sorry, but that isn%26#39;t possible to do. You could buy Xbox live so you can play with other people when your by yourself. Visit to find out how. What commercial, and unless you can program high A.I. teammates and load them into you xbox as mods you can do it but on a more realistic note no you can%26#39;t. i really dont think you can

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